chapter one

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Taehyung had only met Kim Namjoon twice in his life. Once when he was a teenager, they'd crossed paths when the president and his family had toured their high school. And here he was again, standing in awe of the man Kim Namjoon had grown to be.

He was intimidating at every age: clean cut, cropped black hair; dark eyes that certainly didn't lack depth; and the simple knowledge, that Kim Namjoon held his fate.

In this case, whether or not he would get the role he desperately wanted, shouldn't have been just up to Kim Namjoon. There was the director, the producers, and all of the other people that helped make the show come together—but everyone knew that Kim Namjoon would have the deciding words. 

After all, Agent Kim was the closest thing to Namjoon's child, as fans of the webtoon would know from the first author's note from the end of season one. (And yes, Taehyung was one of the avid fans. He wasn't ashamed of it.)

"Again." His voice was like silk, delicate and beautiful—

"Did you hear what I said?" Maybe not so delicate. 

"Yes," Taehyung rushed out. 

He took a deep breath and immersed himself in the character of Dae. Unlike some actors, Taehyung didn't believe in method acting. Acting was simpler than people made it out to be: he put on a mask, and he lost himself just enough, that people didn't realize it was a mask anymore—even if it was suffocating him, bound to his face and name. Simple. 

Taehyung closed his eyes, then opened them, eyelashes fluttering. A hysterical smile flitted across his face, before he let it ghost his mouth. 

"Why have you come?" a bored assistant called out. 

"No reason."

"I don't need your help."

"Looks like you do." He gestured as if he was really in a room of dead bodies, letting the insanity show in his eyes. 

"Stop." Kim Namjoon stood up. "I've seen enough."

Taehyung let the character fall away, but his mask remained on his face. He hoped his nervousness didn't show. 

"Screen test?" 

"No need." Kim Namjoon stepped closer, appraising him from head to toe. "He's perfect for the role."

A producer whispered in his ear. She looked agitated. 

"Why does that matter?" Namjoon said annoyedly. "I just said he didn't need a screen test. He will undoubtedly match up perfectly with J—"

The producer whispered into his ear again. Namjoon barked a laugh. 

"What's so funny?" Taehyung asked. 

"They think you aren't an adult." Namjoon shrugged. "You are, aren't you?"

"Of course," Taehyung said. He was slightly offended now. 

He snuck a glance at his manager, Rosè, who looked a little pained. She gave him the go-ahead gesture. 

"Why would I not be an adult?" Taehyung said. 

"I don't know." Namjoon turned on his heel and walked out. 

A woman with cat eyes looked embarrassed. "Sorry, he's just like that sometimes."

She bowed and left. 

Taehyung turned his questioning eyes on the producer who had whispered in Namjoon's ear. "Why would I not be an adult?"

She looked worried, than exasperated. Finally, she said: "Are you on good terms with Kim Jisoo?"

≻───── ⋆✩⋆ ─────≺

"To Jisoo, for finally making her comeback!" 

"Fina-fuckinly-ly!" Tzuyu put a warm arm around Jisoo's shoulders. "You can fucking laugh in those stupid casting directors who didn't take you."

Jihyo sighed, holding her water up. "Rest easy on the drinks, Tzuyu. Who knows who might be here!"

"Sh-shut up!" Tzuyu wailed then almost tipped back, had it not been for Dahyun. 

Jihyo rolled her eyes. "Okay, girls, I think it's time to go now. Sorry Jisoo."

"No worries." Jisoo couldn't stop smiling, and even her friends leaving wouldn't tear away her grin. "Get home safely guys."

With a few quick waves, the trio left.  Jisoo tipped back her glass and downed the shot, slamming it down on the wood table. 

"I hope that's the sound of you being ready for tomorrow?" 

"Nope, I'm definitely not." She giggled. It was funny. It was hilarious in fact. Her first drama in two years and now she was worried that she was going to fuck it all up. 

Jin sighed and pulled up the chair. "Remember what I said about your ex?"

The world became a little clearer. Anger snarled, then loss clawed at her throat. Memories of soft kisses and calloused hands cupping her face and harsh accusations and crying outside of his house surfaced. 

"Yes?" Jisoo felt cold stone sober. 

"I have some bad news." Jin looked ready to apologize. 

Jisoo tensed. Uh oh. What was going on?

"So... remember how I said that your costar was going to be Kang Tae-Oh?" 

Jisoo nodded. She was pretty sure she knew what was going on now. 

Jin's nervous laugh only confirmed her fears. "So.. funny story. As it turns out, there's been a bit of a mix up. See, as it turns out, Kang Tae-Oh was only in the top three for the role. And actually, he's going off to the military soon. So... unfortunately they're going for the second choice for Ki-tae."

"Just tell me this: Is Tae—" Jisoo almost said his nickname. God, how much did she drink? "Is he taking the role?"

Jin nodded. His face was scrunched up apprehensively. 

Jisoo could feel the anger swell up within her, roaring and begging to be let out—

She waved the bartender over. "A dozen more drinks, please."

She cocked her head towards Jin. "He's paying."

≻───── ⋆✩⋆ ─────≺

authors note~

I honestly can't believe I'm up and writing on wattpad again. it's honestly surreal.

anyways, hope you enjoyed the first chapter!! please look forward to the next :)

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 31, 2023 ⏰

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