Chapter 6🌹

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Nifemi's POV

I found myself folding my arms looking out the window, completely zoning out on whatever the fuck he was saying.

I didn't care if I was being childish or throwing a tantrum.

I just had no words to say right now.

I was angry!

At everything and everyone including myself.

I can't believe I ended up here.

*few hours ago*

I abruptly stood up as I winced at the screeching sound the chair made as it pushed backwards.

My classmates shot me scowls before they once again got back to their chattering.

"This is some sort of joke" I concluded under my breath as a frown formed on my face as I grabbed the book on my table running out the class.

Abi, is he mad ni?!

Dorcas had just informed me that Rebecca had blabbed about the group taking off my name from the project.

I didn't say I wasn't going to participate but I just wasn't working with Ayomi.

I can't stand him.

I headed towards where Dorcas had told me, he should be.

I bursted open the door to the outside basketball court, as I scanned the area looking for Ayomi.

Some juniors were playing a pitiful game of basketball.

I didn't know what I expected.

Did I expect him to say 'Oh, okay. She blew me off, let me work on it aloneʼ?!


But, it was just something that my brain was now used to.

Hating him for everything.

Anything at all.

He did a bad thing, I hated him.

Good thing, I hated him even more.

Him doing something good, was him being a pretentious guy, he was.

That was what made me in this mess in the first place.

"Ayomi is so nice." "He's so awesome"


He just liked looking like a Saint in front of everyone.

I caught a glimpse of him, sitting at the far end of the court, on the floor with a familiar face.


I hadn't seen him since he resumed.

He blended in with his uniform.

I hoped he wasn't already hating the school like I did.

"Speak of the devil!" Joshua exclaimed as he looked at me with a smile and familiar unserious tone.

I almost glanced at him before remembering why I was here.

I noticed Ayomi staring at my approaching figure blankly and I knew, he knew that I knew their plan.

I knew he knew, he.... Whatever!!

My brain was freaking clouded with anger, I can't even think straight.

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