An Injured Ally

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A/N: Sorry about the long wait and I know last chapter was short. I really hope everyone likes this one!! Thank @Potatogirl117 for forcing me to do this! Follow her and read her stories! They are quite something! :) Leave a rate and comment on if you liked it!!

Ethna's P.O.V.

What have I done? We just arrived back to camp and I just watch as Sige and Cassandra carry Camilla into the infirmary. I still stand at the teleport pad and stare at the ground. All it took was that one blow from the reaper and now I may lose one of my comrades and friend.

The scene echoes in my mind as I head over to the sleeping quarters, dragging my scythe behind me with disgust as I hear someone running toward me. I turn and see Sige approach me, trying to regain the calm character he usually has. It doesn't work as he pants through his words.

"Ethna... you should have thought....through what you were doing before..."

I silence him.

"I get it. I made a mistake. If Camilla dies I get to have a reminder of my mistake. Then on top of that Cassandra will want me dead too."

I feel tears as my eyes sting and cloud up my vision. I turn my head so Sige doesn't see. A moment goes by and just before I think he left, I feel Sige's hand in mine. I look down at our intwined hands then look toward him. He is crying too. Before I can even think he pulls me in a hug. I drop my scythe and stand awkardly as I hear him sob into my shoulder.

"I know what you're feeling" he whispers. "I made a mistake when I was still a growing monster...and that cost me my best friend.."

Sige's P.O.V.

I don't know why I opened up to her. She was a student. But she reminded me of myself when I was first summoned. I break away from the hug and look her straight in the eyes. I can tell she is scared and confused. A single tear remained on her face. I lifted my hand and wiped it away without a another thought.

"Go find Cassandra. Be there for Camilla. They both need you Ethna. Don't forget that you're all a team and you'll get through this as a team."

Determination filled her eyes as she nodded to me.

"I won't let them down." She breaks from my grasps and runs to the infirmary, leaving me with a smile on my face.

Cassandra's P.O.V.

"Camilla, you're gonna get through this. Please hold on for me..." I sat by her as she lay on the cushioned bed unconscious. A kind light amazon was tending to her wounds every now and then. She seemed to be the only one working.

The infirmary was quite small. On the outside it was camouflaged in leaves and vines but the inside was three rooms; one for any of the nurses and two for patients. Each patient room contained three beds though.

"Excuse me miss, I just need to test her blood real quickly" The amazon smiled as I moved my seat back so she could do what she needed.

"What is your name, may I ask? It means a lot that you're helping my friend."

I look at her, completely awakened. Her bow slung over her body, and the large detailed mask resting atop her head.

"My name is Lyn"

"Lyn? It's unique. Why are you here instead of out fighting monsters in dungeons?"

Lyn's head dropped at the mention. Immediately I knew I shouldn't ask anymore. She continued tending to Camilla without another word. I just sat back and watch until she left. I was curious on what her story was now..

Suddenly I hear a familiar voice outside of the room. The voice of a betrayer.

"Camilla, yes I'm looking for her....This room? Thank you."

Ethna walked through the door and her eyes went straight to me. She paused awkwardly but I nod and let her enter. She pulls up a chair and places in next to me. I look at Camilla, tensed up and trying to ignore her.

"I know you're mad at me but please hear me out Cassandra." She pauses, waiting for me to say something. I don't. I move my head slightly and she continues.

"It was our first run and all that was on my mind was getting through and growing stronger. I was foolish and should have thought about my teammates before anything else. I want Camilla to live. She shouldn't be the one in here. It should be me if anyone."

I soften my shoulders and look toward her. They are bloodshot. I can tell she hasn't been taking this easy either. I turn my body and face her.

"I understand where you are coming from. Any monster would want to become the best as soon as possible. I sure do, but I see teams as a way to grow stronger together. I do forgive you but I won't be able to trust you. I'm sorry Ethna."

She frowns and nods. I turn my head back to Camilla and notice she is moving.

"Nghh" she squirms and then rubs her eyes.

My face lights up as she wakes up. Ethna does the same as me and rushes the the side of the bed. Camilla begins to try to sit up and Ethna assists her.

She looks at both of us smiling.

"Hope I wasn't out too long haha"

Knowing Camilla was alright was all I needed to relax at last.

Camilla's P.O.V.

"You guys can stop staring at me now" I laugh as the nurse walks in. She is the only one smiling at me as if I didn't come back from the dead. She sticks a needle into my arm and then scans it. I definitely wasn't alright with that.

"Well you're all clear Camilla! You made a full recovery" the nurse smiles at me.

"Thank you so much Lyn!" Cassandra says and gives her a big hug. She blushes and pushes Cassandra back.

"It.. it was nothing! I was happy to help!" She laughs and leaves us.

I sit up with help from Ethna and I get escorted out of the infirmary. Many monsters are staring as I walk with my friends on each side of me. They lead me to my bed in the chambers and once settled in bed I notice they're both staring at me again.

"Seriously guys, if I have something in my teeth tell me!" I laugh but notice neither of them are laughing either.

"What's wrong" I become concerned.

Ethna sheepishly looks down as Cassandra speaks up.

"What are we gonna do about the team?" she asks with a worried look.

I begin to remember how the battle went down. They think I don't want to battle with Ethna anymore. Well they're wrong.

"Nothing of course! We're gonna get hurt with what we do. I don't think that we should freak out over this. I'm fine and I'm ready to fight more monsters with you guys. We're a team!" I beam my biggest smile at them and they finally smile back. They come sit next to me and we have group hug. I don't feel any hatred and it feels good.

The team is back again!

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 22, 2015 ⏰

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