An Unexpected Summon

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A/U: Photo of Cassandra is here!! :D Hope you like the new addition of Camilla in this chapter! She doesn't really know how strong she is just as an f.y.i. lol Hope you guys enjoy ^_^

Cassandra's P.O.V.

 Once the light faded everyone stared in silence at the beautiful Valkyrja standing on the plate. Her blue and white armor gave away her type. I definitely wouldn't want to mess with her. She was a 5 star monster. Her powers were the 2nd most powerful from all monsters that could possibly be summoned; the strongest would be their brother, the Archangels. Her headpiece was as elegant as her with white feathers stretched out on the sides. She held her lance sword to her side with honor. I look down at my bow and frown. I hold my weapon like its a shovel; nothing to be proud of. I shrug it off and look back up to see the Valkyrja standing right in front of me.

 "Hiya!" She opens her arms and gives me a hug. It hurts both of us but I don't think she minds. "Um hi! I'm Cassandra. And you are?" She backs up and laughs. "My apologies! My name is Camilla! You seemed like a huggable person, my bad!" I chuckle in amusement. "It's no worries! Let me help you to where you'll be living!" I elbow her and guide her toward the living quarters to settle in. As we walked through the crowd of people I saw Ethna looking shocked at our new addition to the place. I wink at her and wave her to follow so she can make a new friend, she'll need the help.

Camilla's P.O.V.

  So far everyone seems pretty friendly to me! They treat me like royalty though which I find extremely odd. I'm a normal monster like the rest of them. I'm really glad I spotted that archer though. They have always facinated me so it'll be amazing to have one as a friend!

  "Hey Camilla, I'd like you to meet Ethna. She seems a bit hard but she is actually really sweet!" Cassandra pushes a stubborn looking hell lady towards me. I notice that Cassandra is a bit nervous. I hope she doesn't think Ethna scares me."It's a pleasure to meet you Ethna! I'm really thankful that you two are here to help me right now! Ethna rolls her eyes "Oh honey, we're as lost as you are. We got summoned here today too. But I guess monsters that are summoned together, stay together ey?" She begins cracking up at her little joke that Cassandra and I can't help but laugh. After we calmed down, Cassandra grabbed both of our hands and looked down shyly, "What if we did though? Stay together? " Ethna threw a confused look Cassandra's way. "I mean, you guys are the first friends I made and I know we don't know each other that well but I really think it'd be a good idea to do this. We'd get to know each other better while growing stronger and maybe even one day awakening together." My heart began racing. I loved the idea! "I'm in." I put my hand in and smiled. Cassandra squealed and put a hand in two. We both looked at Ethna. She looked unsure. "Ethna, we promise it'll be worth it" I reach my hand to her. She looks up and relaxes. "Alright, I'm in." She rests her hand on Cassandra's and we smile in unison.

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