Who Needs a Mentor?

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A/U: How is everyone?? I'm doing pretty good! Anyways now that the girls decided to become a team they'll need some guidance! I know this is long but hey, you'll like it! Leave a comment and rate! Love you guys! Also new photo is of Camilla! :D

Ethna's P.O.V.

I'm having a hard time believing I'm a team with Cassandra and Camilla as it is, but now they want to get a mentor to teach us?! First hand experience is best! This does mean I get to meet an awakened and 6 star monster though. Hopefully they can give me advice on how to get to their level quickly. I'm straggling behind as the two bubbly girls chat about who knows what and as we walk to the training grounds.

 "Aren't you the least bit nervous Ethna?" Camilla looks back at me with concern. "I have the potential of becoming an extremely powerful monster. I'm not gonna be ashamed about getting knocked down a few times because it just brings me closer to where I wanna be."

They both sigh with relief at that comment. I'm glad I can help them calm down, it is a big day. I can already tell that the training grounds will be a common place to find me as we entered. It was a large stadium with attack dummys, a track, and plenty of other training equipment left out. We all got assigned our mentor last night after we made our team. His name is Sige. He awakened from a samurai and takes his job very seriously. Some people say he can be quite mysterious so this'll be interesting. We reach the middle of the stadium not knowing who we are looking for until we hear someone sprint past us and snatch each of our weapons.

 "You need to keep your guards up. It's also a disgrace to treat your weapons how you all do. Well the Valkyrja knows how at least." Camilla blushed and I involuntarily roll my eyes. I get a good look at our mentor and he doesn't seem half bad. He is a dark type; with a black and red robe and layered black hair all tied back. The one features that startles me is the long scar passing over his left eye. I am tempted to ask where its from.

  "You all will go through some intense training with me. I am not like other mentors. I plan to make you all achive the place that I am at. Do you understand?" We all nod in unison. I glance over at Cassandra and almost burst out laughing. It didn't even take a second to see that she had fallen head over heels for Sige. I don't really think she is his type anyways.

Cassandra's P.O.V.

I'm trying not to stare but man, Sige is one hunk of a guy! I definately think I have a shot if I show that I can handle this intensive training. "Any questions?" I'm so stupid! I was so distracted thinking about how gorgeous he was that I didn't even listen to his introduction! I can't let him know that I wasn't listening though so I'll just ask Camilla or Ethna what he said later. "Cassandra, could you show me an attack with your bow?" Sige tosses me my bow and I rest it in my left hand. I take a deep breath and think of a move that would impress my onlookers. I lift my arm and grab 3 arrows from my quiver. I notice Camilla make a confused look out of the corner of my eye. I grin as I place the middle arrow in it's proper position.I pull back all three arrows and they begin to light on fire. I aim toward a straw dummy across the field, about 30 yards. I take a deep breath and release. I watch as each arrow takes a different route toward the dummy. The middle arrow going straight toward it, the top arrow going in from the right, and the bottom arrow going in from the left. Each arrow hits the dummy at the same time as it burst into flames. I slowly bring my bow down and move a stray hair away from my face. "Oh my gosh that was amazing!!" I look over to see Camilla jumping up and down while Ethna looked very impressed with me. I even happened to notice a smirk form on Sige's face. I sure was enjoying this day.

Camilla's P.O.V.

I didn't expect that to come from Cassandra! I can't wait to see how stronger she can become now! "Camilla, your turn." Cassandra gives me a thumbs up as we switch spots. I rest my hand on my sheath but feel nothing. I panic for a moment until Sige bumps me and hands me my lance. I already embarassed myself! I gotta make my attack perfect now or everyone will think I'm a dork. A new straw dummy is placed over the ashes of the old one as I prepare to attack. I bring my lance back with my right hand and point it straight at the dummy. I hear my weapon charge as I sprint forward. Just before reaching the dummy I jump in the air and begin a frenzy of stabs from the sky. I watch as every seem of the dummy come apart and drop to the ground. I stand there breathless as I look at the mess of straw. I laugh and begin walking back to everyone. I notice Sige has a very satisfied look on his face. I must have really impressed him! "Good job Camilla!" Cassandra dashed forward and high fives me quickly; both of us making a quick expression of pain and then laughing it off. I don't even get a chance to see Ethna because she already had her sythe in hand and was awaitng her turn near the next dummy.

Ethna's P.O.V.

I feel bad for not congradulating Camilla but after seeing her and Cassandra show off their attacks, I realize that I may need to step up my game. I grip my sythe as I think of the only attack that can compare to theirs. I breath in and begin feeling my powers focusing in my eyes and in my sythe. I run towards the dummy but stop 10 yards in front of it to use my sythe as a javelin and strike the dummy right down the middle. After I pull my sythe back a burst of wind begins tightening around the dummy, causing it to explode. I don't think I'll be able to do that for a while since it can really wear a girl out. "Oh my gosh Ethna! What was that?! It was insane!" Cassandra runs over with Camilla and Sige right behind. "Right?! You made it look so graceful!" Camilla joins in on the praise as I begin to blush. Wait, blush?! "Congradulations Ethna. Based on your strength, I'd like to make you leader of your team." I stare blankly at what Sige just told me. A very powerful monster believes I should be the leader! "Well thank you! I'd love to!" Cassandra and Camilla squeal with joy and hug me at the same time; in fact they were squishing me. For the first time though, I didn't mind this team thing.

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