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  "Just look at her! I want to choke her to sleep!" Diana hissed. We were standing by our lockers and watching Jason talk to the 'new girl' . I have to admit she was gorgeous. Stunning. She was a brunette (like me) and she was tall but Jason was taller. She had big brown eyes that was filled with love (Adam said and I quote) she had full red lips that were quite sexy and really inviting (Again Adam said and I quote. I don't go that way). She wore designer clothing that hugged her curves flawlessly with ballet flats. All in all, she was beautiful. But the way Jason was talking to her upset Diana...and me. I looked at Alex who was looking at her as well. Geesh! What was up with them?

   "Calm down Dy, you don't even know her yet. She might be really nice." I forced a smile. Adam turned to look at Diana and smirked.

   "Are you jealous?" He asked. Not now Adam!!
   "Shut it Gregory!!!" She growled. That temper.

The bell rang signalling the start of school. That's good because I was starting to have a headache.

       "It was only third period and everyone was talking about the 'cool new girl'. I was starting to get pissed. Even Adam was having an open conversation (right in front of my face) with Alex about her. Alex seemed uninterested because he was facing me. I'm pretty sure Adam will end up in detention for talking. But again, everyone was talking about her.

       "She's hot." Adam said. "But she's not my type. I like blondes."

       "Uh..Adam. Too much information. No one actually cares." I cut in. Alex grinned at me.

       "It's not like she would even date you. Apparently, Jason likes her. So shut up already." Alex chuckled.

       "I bet you're happy. Why? You get to keep her all to yourself." Adam stated pointing at me.

       "Shut up asshole. Pay attention to Mr. Harris. You are already failing his class." Alex stated with a relaxed smile.

   For some reason my heart broke when I heard that Jason liked her. Why was I feeling this way? I have a boyfriend. I love Alex. Why was i feeling jealous over Jason. What was happening to me? My subconscious seem to have the stupidest but truthful answers to my questions.

Maybe you like Jason.

Maybe you never even loved Alex in the first place.

Maybe you don't even know what is true love. Wait..that's not a maybe! That's a fact.

As you can see, I've been having the hardest time dealing with it. I can't wait till I leave the school doors. My anger was getting out of control.

   "Hey. Babe, you alright? You're turning red." Alex touched my arm. I looked up at him and I could see both him and Adam were concerned. I shook my head to clear my thoughts.

   "Yeah. Why wouldn't I be?" I asked. I forced a fake smile and they seem to buy it. Adam seem to buy it. Alex can see right through me. He knew I was hiding something. He gave me a weird look but just let it slide. Thank God because I really didn't know how I was going to explain that to him.

Diana's P.O.V

  Who does she think she is? Waltzing in through the school doors like a boss. As if that wasn't enough, she decided that hey, bitch, I am going to steal your spotlight. I wasn't jealous. I was angry. Furious. Don't get me wrong. I'm not an attention-seeker but I do enjoy a little attention. Especially if it's coming from the guy I have a crush on. And, she just took it away. Ok. So maybe I am a tad jealous. But It still doesn't change the fact that I'm furious.

    I looked at her as she took the empty seat next to Jason who was sitting beside me. I cursed under my breath. I just wanted to rip her long brown hair from her pretty skull. No. Keep calm Diana. Violence is not the key.
  "Hi! Jason. I did not know we shared this class." She smiled. She even has white teeth. Jason smiled genuinely.

   "Well, now you know. How are things going so far?" He asked. He was totally interested in her.

   " Awesome. Seems like everyone is nice so far." She replied flipping her hair. B*tch. Not everyone. You haven't met me yet. As if Jason was reading my mind he turned to me and smile.

   "Uh. Sarah this is one of my bestfriends Diana. Diana this is Sarah. She's the 'new girl' " he introduced us. I plastered a fake smile.

   "I've noticed. It's nice to meet you." I greeted. The hag smiled.

   "It's nice to meet you too Diana." What shocked me was that her smile was genuine. Don't let her fool you. She's pretending. Well she's playing with fire.


   "You're quiet today. What's up?" I nudged Rebecca. Usually she was the one who always had that smile on her face. Today she seem...not herself.

  "Oh nothing. You better enjoy this moment before Adam comes." She chuckled. I frowned. For some reason my heart beat faster at the mention of his name. As if on que Mr. Gregory and Alex made their way to our lunch table with their trays. Where the hell was Jason? He's always on time.

  "Hey." Adam greeted touching my arm. I immediately pulled away. There was no way I was going to let him touch me ever again. I would never put my guard down ever again. He rolled his eyes and sat across from me.

   "Hey guys." I heard Jason greet behind me. I didn't bother to look up because I knew the tramp was with him. I wished we didn't have an extra seat at the lunch table. But then again, she would insist to sit on his lap or something. "Guys this is Sarah. Sarah this is Rebecca, you've met Diana. And the dudes are Adam and Alex, Rebecca's current boyfriend." He introduced. I knew he said that like that to piss Alex.

   "Hi." We all said in unsion.

   "Hi guys. Nice to meet you all." She grinned.

   "You guys don't mind if she sits here, right?" Jason asked.

   "Not at all." Rebecca and Adam said at the same time. She took the seat that was between me and Jason. She really has balls if she's going to sit next to me. Diana! What are you saying? Give her a chance! My subconscious is so freaking righteous sometimes but never mind that. I'm the opposite.

I'm so freaking messed up. Hell, maybe I'm going crazy.

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