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   As if school wasn't enough weight on my shoulders at the moment, my dad added more. Now I'm standing there facing him and this woman trying to process everything.

  "What dad? I'm sorry. I didn't get what you said. Can you repeat..please?"

  "Becca this beautiful woman here is my girlfriend. Hilda, this is my daughter Rebecca." He introduced us.

  "Hello Rebecca. It's so nice to meet you. I've heard a lot about you." Hilda greeted. I frowned.

  "I'm sorry to be rude but this is the first I'm hearing about you. Dad? Care to explain?"

  "Don't be like that Becca. I know you're angry but you have-"

  "Dad are you listening to what you're saying to me. You have a girlfriend and how come this is the first I'm hearing about it? Never mind that, but dad, what about mom? Don't you love her anymore? You told her that she was the only one you'd ever love!" I snapped. I could not believe him, right now.
  " That is not how you talk to your father, young lady.Rebecca it's not that way at all. I still love your mother. But I can't stay dwelling in the past. We can't. We need to move on." He said walking towards me. I took a step back.

  "Dad I am not going to accept this! I'm going up to my room. I'm not coming out until she's gone." I snapped before running up the stairs to my room. I knew I overreacted but I just couldn't help it. How could he move on so quickly. He told mom that she was the love of his life and now he's dating someone else. Yeah. Maybe she's dead now but I'm alive and there's no way I'm going to be calling that woman my step mother. She looked as if she could be my older sister for goodness sake! A tear slipped down my cheek. I just wished that mom was here with me. Here to comfort me. There's no way my life is going to turn into another Cinderella story. I refuse to let that happen even if it meant losing my mind.


"What are you doing Saturday?" Diana asked me as soon as she spotted me.

"Um..nothing. Why?"

"We're going shopping! And maybe you could sleep over at my house. I know you're having trouble dealing with your dad and his new girlfriend,  so I want to cheer you up. You've been so down lately. Even Alex noticed and to be honest, everyone is worried about you. So..Yeah?" She said all in one breath. She always tried to cheer me up when I was down but always seem too excited.

"Thanks. I know you're trying to be nice and I appreciate it. So..Yeah. Girl's day out, I guess."

"Hey guys!" We heard someone greeted from behind. We turned around and both of us fell in shock to see it was Sarah.

"Um...Hey." I waved awkwardly.

"Hey." Diana greeted with a fake smile.

"Have you guys seen Jase? I have to talk to him about something." She said twirling one of her brown locks around her finger. My smile faded as soon as she asked that.

"He's having a word with his coach." I said through gritted teeth.

"Oh. Bummer. That's a shame. I really wanted to tell him that I enjoyed last night." She giggled. I raised a brow. TMI bitch.

"Wow. That must be something." Diana muttered.

"It was actually. Jason is so kind and sweet. You guys are really lucky to have him as your 'friend'." She chuckled. I could tell she was being bitchy. That's a shame. I thought we were going to get along well.

"Bestfriend actually. We know we're lucky to have him and I'm pretty sure he's lucky to have us." Diana replied sternly.

"Right. He told me that you guys are like his little sisters. How cute!" She gushed. More like 'rubbed in our faces'.

"Yeah. Like I said, he's lucky to have us and we're lucky to have him. Nothing or no one is going to change what we have." Diana said hands on her hips.

"Who said anything about changing what you guys have? Forward much?" Sarah asked raising her perfectly arched eyebrow.

"No. We're just stating the obvious." I told her.

"Oh. Ok. That's a good thing. Always Think positive even though the opposite is going to happen." She said with a stupid smirk on her face.

"What's that suppose to mean, tramp?" Diana growled. I could tell her patience was thinning. I mean who's wouldn't?

"Whatever you want it to. I wish I could stay and chat but I have to go and find Jase. Bye!" She smiled before sauntering off, her heels clicking on the floor. I frowned.

"I'm going to f*ck her up. I knew she was a witch. That's my goal, I tell you. I'm going to fuck her up." Diana hissed. I shook my head.

"She's not worth it Dy. Come on, let's get to class." I muttered gripping the strap of my bag.

  How was I going to tell her the truth? She would probably hate me. I glanced at her as she got into my car. She pecked me on the lips.

  "Hey baby."

  "Hey. Um..look, I have to talk to you about something." I mumbled under my breath. I scratched behind my neck and looked at everything but her.

  "What was that?" She asked.

  "I need to talk to you about something. Please don't hate me." I pleaded. She frowned and nodded.


  "Becca, I love you. I want you to know that. But at the beginning of our relationship, I used you. I used you as a way to make Jason feel like shit. He thought that he deserved everything and he could get anything that he wanted. It was partially true because he gained everybody's trust including my coach. He loved you but he was too coward to make a move. I started dating you because I wanted to prove to him that he couldn't have everything that he wanted. It was pretty stupid and incredibly petty but I succeeded. But somehow I ended up falling in love with you too. I'm sorry." I explained keeping my head hanging low.

   "Alex...what are you saying? You're not saying that everything was fake for you, are you? You're not saying that you were never planning on loving me at the start, are you?" She asked tears gathering up in her eyes. I felt incredibly guilty and foolish.

  "I'm sorry Becca. Really, I am."

  "Alexander. Take me home. Now." I winced at the tone she used to call my name. She only called me that when she was really angry.

  "Sure. I'm really-"

  "Save it. Just take me home. Don't bother calling me." She interrupted me, her voice too cold. I hated to see that I caused this side of her to appear. I'm an asshole.

We rode in silence, which I tried to break but she told me to shut up. When we arrived at her house she ran out of the car before I had a chance to stop her. So much for her taking it well. I hate myself right now.


  He used me. He lied to me. He didn't love me like I loved him. I didn't know what was worst. Finding out that your boyfriend planned to use you and go away or that he did that so he could hurt your bestfriend.

  If you are going through what I'm going through or similar, you must be feeling like hell because that's how I felt. I ran up the stairs. Thank God dad left for work because I needed time alone. I never thought I would be so grateful to be alone.

Author's note

Bummer. But hey! Every relationship isn't perfect and real. This was bound to happen. How do you guys feel about this chapter (this isn't exactly my favorite chapter). Don't forget to vote and comment. I love comments!!!! Ok. So bye for now.
XJuliaX stay breezy.

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