"Cotton candy!!"Ranmaru x reader

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(This story does have slight your turn to die spoilers. It only is mentioned though.)
"Y/n, are you asleep?"
"Y/n L/n wake up!"
"Huh" I woke up to someone yelling at me. I looked up and saw my puff ball friend.
"Oh, hello Ranmaru!"
"Don't just hello me. You fell asleep during class. It's already pretty late."
I looked outside to it already being late. "At least it was your last class, y/n. But still you shouldn't be falling asleep in classes."
"Okay, my q-tip friend!" Ranmaru started to blush with the nickname I gave him.
"I told you to stop calling me that!"
"Okay then how about puff ball?"
"Not better."
"Don't make fun of my height!"
"Ehehe." I head patted his head. Making his face go even redder. "You're even cuter when you are a blushing mess, Ranmaru!"
"T-thanks..." I then hugged him tightly.
"Ranmaru! You're the best friend anyone could ask for!!"
"Y-y/n we should really get going. Our parents might be getting worried."
"Okay! Also you know you don't have to wait for me always. I can walk myself to school!"
"I know. But..."
"I don't trust people when it comes to you."
"Ooooh! So you're like a cute puppy dog!! You are my guard dog now! Ooor guard dandelion."
"Yeah sure. Also what did I say about calling me nicknames!"
"But you make a cute face when I say a nickname! You get like all flustered. It's adorable!!"
"I- ..um" Ranmaru then cleared his voice and started to talk again. "Come on y/n. Let's walk home together."
"Okie dokie!" I picked up my bag putting my notebook I had out in the bag. I looked up at Ranmaru and then smiled.
We started to walk the halls of our school. We just kept a peaceful silence. It was actually really comfortable!
Me and Ranmaru have been friends for years now. We met during elementary school. And ever since then we just stayed friends. He did think I was a little too wild for his liking. But he soon just accepted. We would talk to eachother everyday We know almost everything about eachother. He also knows not to get cotton candy around me... I will relentlessly ask him if that is his twin. He gets pretty annoyed. But it's worth it! I loved his flustered face soooo much! It's a type of face you just want to pinch the cheeks of!! Oh how much I love him! He is the bestest of friends!!!!
"Hey Y/n?"
"You spaced out. What were you thinking about? Was it about someone? Like someone you may have a crush on?"
"No, not exactly! I was thinking about you!"
"W-what about me!?"
"How cute you are!! And how we've been friends for many years now. That we know pretty much everything about eachother. I mean we could finish eachothers-" I waited for him to say something. But he didn't. "Awww... You were suppose to say sentences." I pouted my cheeks out.
"Oh, I'm sorry y/n."
"It's fineee."
More silence.
"Y'know Ranmaru. What we remind me of?"
"Me being a child. Since you always call me childish. And then I think you areeee! Like a mother that takes care of me."
"Y/n shouldn't- Wait! Why am I a mother! Shouldn't I be like a dad or something. Or maybe a protective boyfriend..."
"Hmmm... No mother!" Ranmaru then made a big sigh.
"Whatever you say... what I was about to say though. Was shouldn't you be better at taking care of yourself? I mean you make me help you with your homework."
"Hmmmm. You're a meanie Ranmaru!"
"Y/n you're in high school now. I would kinda see it if you were in middle school. But you're in high school."
"Okaaay. But you are always there for me! So you help me with all the stuff I need. Like I said you are like a mother!!"
"I know. But y/n you need to know something. There will be a time that i won't be there with you. I won't always be by your side."
"Well... I guess you're right. Oooo! I have an idea!!"
"What is it?"
"We need to get married!!"
"W-what!? Why?" Ranmaru started to fiercely blush.
"If I marry you. Then you will always be by my side. So I wouldn't be alone. And not with you!"
"Y/n you have a smart but weird way of thinking. It's actually pretty c-cute."
"Le gasp! You just called me cute!!"
Ranmaru started to blush.
"I will take it back if you don't stop making a big fuss about it."
"Awww! But you can't take back it!!"
"Y/n I will and I can!"
"Wait Ranmaru!"
"What now?"
"I need to pick out my wedding dress! I need the dress to be perfect for youuu!!!"
"Y/n! We're not getting married!!"
"Meanie!!!!!! But I love you so dearly! You must marry me if not I'll be lonely all my life!!"
"No you will just do nothing in your life if we don't. You would stay in a house doing nothing."
"See how you are like a mother!!!"
We made it back to my house. Ranmaru was about to leave but I called out to him.
"Ranmaru! Wait please."
"Hm? What is it y/n?"
"Thank you for walking me home. You are truly always there for me. I promise I'll start taking care of myself!"
"It's no problem Y/n. And that is good. Bye now Y/n"
Before he could walk away. I went to him and kissed his cheek.
"Thank you once again for being there for me." I then smiled at him. He became flustered and then almost passed out. I then waved my hand and said bye.
*Ranmaru's POV*
Wow. Y/n just kissed me. Sure it was just on the cheek but still!
Y/n is surely amazing.
*Author POV*
Ranmaru has had a crush on Y/n for a while. He has been terrified to tell y/n though. He think it would just make his dear friend feel weird around him. Or something even worst make Y/n tease him even more... that would be the worst result...
*Y/n POV*
"Mom! Dad! I'm home!!"
I looked around and saw a letter.
'We'll be out on a small vacation. We are sorry for not inviting you. But you need to keep on going to school. We will be back in a week. We trust you can keep the house clean. We know you can already take care of yourself. So have fun having the house to yourself!
P.s. No having any boys home and doing any suspicious stuff. - mom'
Yay home alone!!!!
Wait... that means I have to clean up the mess I make...
I made a promise to Ranmaru that I would start taking care of myself. I have to keep it!
I made myself some dinner - almost burned down the house.
Tried to clean up the house - made it even more dirty.
Cleaned up the mess I made - actually did it!
Then I went and took a shower. I didn't do anything wrong with that. When I got out of the shower. I went to look at the time. It was already 4 in the morning.
"Crap! I have school!! If I have school at 9. I will have to get out of the house at 8:30. Because I walk there with Ranmaru. So I should wake up at 7ish. So I won't be late! I will get 3 hours of sleep if I go to sleep right now."
I went over to my bed. I flopped onto the bed. Why must the world hate me???
*time skip to 7:30*
I woke up to the sound of an alarm. I looked at the time.
"I should get up and get ready..."
I got up and hit my head on my wall.
"Owwww!!" I started to fake cry. Painness is truly evil...
I put on my uniform. Which is a grey skirt, grey jacket, white knee high socks and a white button up shirt. Ranmaru doesn't wear the button up because he say that it hurts his skin. I put on my shoes and got my bag. I still have 10 minutes until Ranmaru normally waits for me. I could surprise him by showing up at his house!
While walking there many males stared at me. Too much attention...
I knocked on his door waiting for a response.
"One second!" I heard Ranmaru on the other side of the door. I heard the lock being unlocked. Then the door open.
"What do you nee-" He started then I interrupted him.
"Goodmorning Ranmaru!!" I smiled at him. He look at you very weirdly.
"Y/n?" He then yawned.
"Yup!! I am here to say goodmorning and to walk to school with you!"
"Are you actually y/n? Or a doll pretending to be y/n??"
"Nope I am really y/n!"
"What is the one thing I won't eat around you?"
"Cotton Candy!!"
"Okay it's the real you."
"Yup yup yup!" I smiled at him widely.
"How did you wake up on time?"
"I set an alarm thing!!"
"Wow... Are you sure your parents didn't wake you up?"
"They are out of town!"
"Oh um okay...Wait! That means you are home alone? That is never good...."
"Yup the house is all mine!!!"
We started to wake to school.
"Did you remember to do everything this morning?"
"Did you miss anything??"
"Oh I did actually!"
"I forgot breakfast!!"
"Why do you sound happy about that?"
"I don't know... I want breakfast now!! Ranmaru please give me your wallet so I can get a cookie from out vending machine!"
"No! Plus a cookie is not breakfast."
I mocked him the rest of the way. School was very annoying. I wish I could punch it in the face. Like take that and take this. But I can't...
Even though I found something strange about today. How I acted. I seemed to be nervous around Ranmaru. Like why?? I have known him for years. He literally knows everything about me. He even knows how I look nude. Before you ask we were children and playing dress up. It was fun. Remembering that memory made me really blush hard. Woah! Why am I blushing at Ranmaru!?
Wait am I- no. Even if I was Ranmaru sees me as childish and could never like me that way.
School was pretty the same as always. Go to class, lunch with Ranmaru, more classes, and club if I had them that day. Which today I didn't. But next thing I knew school was over. When walking to the front entrance I tripped and fell.
"Owww..." I then saw a hand. To be exact a hand with bandages. I took it and got lifted up.
"Next time watch where you are going. Like I said before I don't trust people when it comes to you."
"Okie dokie Dandelion!!"
We started to walk home. While walking home I got the best idea ever!!
"Hey Ranmaru?"
"What? And wow you didn't call me a nickname."
"Mop head!"
"...at least that's a new nickname."
"Anywayssss! What I was going to say was. Since it is Friday, how about we hang out!?"
"Sure but what would we do?"
"Hmmm. How about we get cot-"
"Hmph! How about you come over to my house? You haven't been over since ever! And maybe we could have a sleep over too!!"
"Um sure." He started to smile a bit.
"Yay!!! Come on let's go to my house then! Hurry up slowpoke!!"
I ran to my house almost tripping multiply times. Ranmaru ran behind me trying to catch up. We finally got to my house and we are now in.
"Ranmaru what should we doooo!?!"
"Be quiet."
"Meanie puff ball."
"How about dress up???"
"How about cotton candy cosplay, Ranmaru!"
"Hmm.. sheep cosplay?"
"How about we play some online games?"
"Ooo smart thinking Ranmaru!!!"
We then played video games for a while...
"I'm bored Ranmaru!!"
"Okay then what do you want to do?"
"Hmm, ranmaru how about truth or dare!?"
"Okay I'll go first! Truth or dare, Puffy?"
"Hmm. Oo! Okay Ranmaru. Would you kill someone for me if I needed it? And if I killed someone would you expose me?"
"I would never expose you. And yes I would for you."
There was no hesitation to that what so ever..
"Okay your turn now Ranms!"
"Are you just making these nicknames up now? Anyways, Truth or Dare?"
"Um... d-do you have a crush on anyone?"
"Ooo getting juicy already! Hmm... let me think. Maybe?"
"Maybe? What does that even mean?"
"I don't know my feeling yet okay, wanna be sheep!"
"Jeez okay."
"Truth or dare?"
"You really are hating that dare option! Back to topic. Who is your favorite person?"
"You." This made you blush.
"Your turn."
"Truth or dare."
"Dare! I am getting to the dirty stuff now!!"
"O-okay.. um call this crush of yours."
"I'll pass."
"No you can't."
"Um. Please Ranmaru can I pass this one?"
"Fine. But next turn is intense for you."
"Okay Puff puff!"
"Your turn I guess."
"Truth or dare!"
"Um.. I-I guess dare.."
"Oooo I like it! Okay.. hmmm. You have to accept my nicknames for the whole day!!!"
"No I'll pass like you did."
"Nooooo! Why!?"
"Because. Plus now we are equal. Now no skipping."
"Okay! Your turn."
"Truth or dare?"
Please don't be one about my crush.
"I dare you to kiss your crush the next time you see them."
"Y-you heard what I said."
"Anyways your turn-"
I then kissed him on the lips.
He was so shocked he couldn't respond.
He then kissed me making me fall on my back. I kissed back. I was blushing so hard. But deep down I knew I have been wanting this for years. Same goes for Ranmaru.
Oh how much I love this cotton candy boy.
We then pulled away because of we didn't we'd die.
"So um you are my crush cotton candy. And it seems to be the same for you..."
"Yeah. Um. Y/n, just know we will stay as bestfriends. Just now we are lovers too."
"Oh cotton candy I love you sooooo much!!"
Before he could even breathe a breath I kissed him. It started to go deeper and deeper. More heated and more heated. Next thing I knew his and mine jackets were off of us. Moving our hands with the movement of out lips. It got so heated. It got to some moans. That we didn't hear the front door...
"Sweetie!! Your dad and me forgot to get the-" She stopped mid sentence when she saw us on the floor of the living room.
"Mom!" I quickly got up from Ranmaru.
"I told you no boys!"
"Um well he is a friend. Um he isn't a boy he is a girl!!" I signalled for him to talk.
In his like literal worst impression of a female.
"Um- Y/n and me were just um. Fixing our lipstick thingie."
"Ranmaru I know it is you. I've known you for years now. Same goes for you mom, Ranmaru. But Y/n." I perked up when I heard my name. "I am going to leave the house like I didn't see anything. I won't tell your father until you tell him. I'll go grab that thing I needed later. I don't even remember what it was. But let me tell you protection is in the drawer and don't get too rough-"
"Okay mom! Too much information."
"Ok have fun you too! See you later Y/n!!"
She then walked back out the door like she didn't see anything.
"Y/n your mom is kinda weird.."
"I can now see where you got your personality."
"Oh shut up Ranmaru!"
I then sat back down.
"If I shut up then you have to make me shut up."
"Oh! You are now confident!? Just a few minutes. Let me think one was the top and who was the bottom?"
Ranmaru started to blush.
"Now you are not all big talk!" I said while smirking.
"Yeah yeah!"
I then kissed him on the lips.
"I love you cotton candy!"
"I love you too.."
"Have you accepted the nickname!?!"
"Y/n you just ruined the moment!"

Okie dokie! Thank you for reading this story!! Please tell me if there is any misspelling or grammar mistakes. Also I stopped it there because I didn't want to make this a lemon. But if anyone wants me to continue this story in a part two I'll gladly do. But if not then I'm fine with that too! But once again thank you and please request some stuff for me!!!!

Have a wonderful day everyone one!!!

- Cat/Maple

Words: 2772

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