Part One

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Acacia ran through the woods the beast hot on her trail as her lungs screamed for air she forced her legs to continue running if she stopped she'd be dead. Normally she'd be okay at seeing in the dark but she couldn't see anything at all only a thick unrelentless darkness. She ran into a tree knocking her to the ground and the air from her lungs she gasped trying to re fill them. The huge wolf loomed over her its breathe hot and sticky on her face, she tried to scream or move but nothing happened her limbs were completly frozen with fear. She wasn't sure what had torn apart her house and murdered her parents but now she was raceing for her life trying to escape it.

Strange things had always happened in beacon hills, people were attacked constantly by an animal no one had ever seen, even her school dance hadn't been safe. Acacia had only been in becon hills for a year but no one seemed to know who she was the only person who knew she existed was her best friend Erica and she didn't mind it. So when she lay dying with no one else and no family Erica was her last thought she couldn't leave her with those monsters at school. This was of course before the beast had disspapeared after it had taken her as its final victim something happened in those woods that stopped the beats murder spree something she couldnt even tell her best friend.

"Help, please help" she whispered around a mouthful of blood, there were a group of people ahead of her non of them able to hear her soft cries if they only looked in her direction she would be saved

Acacia could see the house as she lay dying it must have been its home that was why it dragged her there. The group were having a heated argument as the beast lay dying its throat was torn out the last thing Acacia saw was the dark haired man's eyes glow red, he was no longer a beast. The same eyes she'd seen above her parents dead bodies that would always haunt her. The trees faded away into a cold darkness that gripped her tightly pulling her soul from her body she could feel it detach, she could feel her own life draining from her body before the world went silent. She wondered if her brother had felt peaceful when he had died or if it had been painful

"Hey, it's okay your okay" the women above her bed reassured her gently as she woke up screaming still seeing those red eyes

"Where am I?" She looked around the white room relaxing slightly as she took in the machines around her, it was no longer the cold woods 

"How about we start with something calmer I'm Mellisa what's your name" Mellisa asked carefully

"Erm Acacia Whitman" Acacia said carefully her whole body was sore she watched as Mellisa paled knowing what the look meant "You've found my parents"

"The sherrif did" Mellisa looked at her with pity the autopsy had been difficult with so much of there bodies being disfigured

"How long have I been out" her voice didn't sound right to her after so long of not using it, it was harsh and uncomfortable

"About a week your friend visited you everyday" Mellisa smiled gently everything about her was gentle it was obvious she was a mother and a kind one, the mother she no longer had

"Oh that's nice" she relaxed it meant Erica was okay she hadn't gotten hurt, she lay back in relief "how did I get here I thought I was dead I felt myself die"

"We don't actually know what happened, we found you in some kind of daze walking around the woods, you were heavily sleep walking" Mellisa explained amazed "we never expected you to wak up, its a miracle"

"You can't really call it a miracle it took my family" she shifted feeling for the wound on her leg or the bite on her arm but she couldnt feel anything not even pain "where did my injuries go"

"You weren't injured" Mellisa said gently feeling her head "maybe you should stay for a few more days for some tests"

"Its fine, I just got alittle confused, whats going to happen to me now I'm an orphan" Acacia could have sworn that she had been attacked but she wasn't injured at all. With everything strange that had been going on in Beacon Hills she had never expected to be pulled into it

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