Jesse. (Mature)

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    I woke up to the man carrying me down to a basement, I opened my eyes painfully, they felt like they had been glued shut by my tears. I came to my senses and tried wriggling out of his grasp, he looks down at me. 

"Hi, beautiful" he smiles creepily.

 "Get the fuck off of me" I yelled trying to kick him and get free. God, he is strong.

 "Calm down darling," he said glaring at me with a sick smile. 

"Let me go!" I screamed pushing myself off of him, getting loose from his grip, I fell to the floor with a thud and started scooching myself as far away from him as I could.

 He didn't move he just stared at me.

 "What do you want from me?" I asked trying to sound defiant but my voice broke at the last word.

 "You're so beautiful" he smiles making his way toward me. I back up further and my back hits a wall. Fuck.

 "Well, I hope you can't phase through walls" He laughed at his own joke a manic terrifying laugh. 

He moved closer to me. I wish I could phase through walls this dude scares the shit out of me. 

"If you keep moving away from me I will have no choice but to hurt you, and trust me we both don't want that." He said reaching down to me.

 I moved as close to the wall as I could shunning him, I hoped if I squeezed my eyes closed tight enough I would be back on the road on my way home. To nobody's surprise, I was still right there vulnerable and scared. I kicked in his direction hoping I would land some and get a chance to run. I wasn't giving up without a fight. He backed away for a second, just looking at me.

 This was his mistake I jumped up and pushed past him as hard as I could. I ran to the door we entered and thank the heavens it wasn't locked I twisted the handle but before I could make my escape he grabbed me from behind. He put a cloth over my mouth and nose, I punched blindly behind me holding my breath. My lungs started to hurt from lack of oxygen and my head and heart were pounding. 

"Deep breaths princess deep breaths" he whispered seemingly unfazed by my attempts at punching him.

 I couldn't hold my breath any longer I gasped for air feeling my lungs fill with a disgusting chemical.

 "Just breathe" He whispered.

 I felt so tired my eyes were struggling to keep themselves open. My body was so heavy and my legs were giving out. I collapsed into the man my body going completely limp.

 "Good girl" he cooed. My mind faded into a dreamless sleep as I felt him pick me up and everything went completely dark.

Who the fuck does this man think he is.

My eyes fluttered open, I was on a bed. I tried to move but my wrists and ankles were bound to metal hooks on the floor. As the fog left my brain I saw the man standing above me staring at me. 

"Where the fuck am I, who are you?" I hissed looking at him like he was a fucking idiot, a hot idiot at that. It's dim in here, I can't see much but I can see the outline of his tall built body.

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