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I woke up confused until the memories came rushing back I wanted to cry, but I just looked over at him, he was fast asleep. Or so I thought. I moved my arms they were still loose. I sat up slowly looking over at him, he is a living breathing god it's like I made him on a computer and pasted him into reality. 

His built body relaxed, loose black curls draped across his relaxed face. God, he looks beautiful, and he smells exactly how you would think, like the epitome of a man and a musky pine forest scent. I think I stared at him for at least ten minutes before I had a sane thought. I should kill him, I pondered for a moment, no I couldn't, I couldn't live with myself even though he took me away from my life, I couldn't live knowing I would have blood on my hands.

 I swung my legs over the side of the bed as quietly as I could, I stood up slowly on unsteady feet, my lady parts screaming at me, the memories of last night flashed in my head. I heard the bed squeak behind me, he knows, I thought to myself.

 I beelined it completely exposed- as my clothes had been ripped off and discarded,- to what I could only assume was an exit. Before I could reach the handle he was behind me, faster than you can say dog shit.

 He grabbed my arms spinning me around almost causing me to fall on my ass. He gripped my arms harder steadying me, his eyes were gorgeous, such a dark brown it almost looks black the color of his iris so close to the color of his pupils, it looks like they are full black. I could have sworn for a second there I was drooling. Dammit, Lori snaps out of it this man is probably going to kill you or worse. Well, I actually don't know what's worse than death I guess ill just have to wait and find out.

"I trusted you Loreley," He said angrily.

 Gripping my arms with so much force I was sure the bones were going to crumble under the pressure. How does he know my name!??

 "What are you gonna do, are you going to kill me?" I asked defiantly, this was the only time I had ever missed my stupid home.

 For some reason, I thought of my mom. 

"No my love, I'm going to do much worse" He smiled grabbing both of my wrists in one hand and freeing his right hand. 

He went to pull something out of his pocket oh god he's gonna shoot me wait no I don't see a gun. HE'S GONNA STAB ME. He knew, he knew I would try. Trust my ass. I tried pulling away, pulling as hard as I could of course he's much stronger than I am. 

"What is that! What are you doi- let go of me!" I yelled continuing to pull so hard I swear my arm was gonna pop out of its socket but it was no use this man is basically the hulk but pale and hot.

 I kneed him where the sun don't shine and he fell to his knees grabbing at his now infertile parts. I grabbed for the door handle and pulled it. Are you fucking joking it's locked, and of course, I don't have a key.

 "You really thought you were home free huh?" he laughed like a fucking psycho.

 I ran to the back of the room there was no other door, but it was better than being in his reach. Maybe I could just run in circles and avoid him that way. No that's stupid I would just tire myself. Looks like I'm gonna have to fight my way out. He stood up walking over to me slowly. I was mentally preparing to throw myself at this man like a fucking rocket and that I did.

 I jumped on him and tried pulling him to the floor, if I can knock him out and take the key I could escape, but nope he pinned me onto the ground holding my legs down with his legs, this dude must never skip leg day.

 He held my arms above my head with one hand, jeez this man has got big hands. He reached for his pocket again. I wriggled around like a slug who just got seasoned with salt,

 "You're not getting away from me this time my love", he said pulling a knife out of his pocket oh wait nope, not a knife but a syringe. I think that's even worse.

 "I'm sorry princess, you did this to yourself," he said with fire in his eyes. He must still be mad about his dick and nuts getting kicked up inside of him.

 He pushed the needle into my tense arm making me cry out in pain. He pulled me backward, towards the bed I was stumbling over my now shaky legs. The world was spinning and I felt like I had the worst hangover in the world.

 "Please do-don't hurt me," I said stumbling and mumbling over my words. It felt like my legs were going to give out, my body starting to feel numb.

 He frowned "I'm sorry," he said again but softly this time.

 Why is he saying sorry if he was really sorry maybe he would let me go. He must have no moral compass. My legs buckled underneath me causing me to fall right into him. 

"Just let it happen, darling," he said picking me up effortlessly. 

My body felt so heavy and my head was spinning so hard I could have sworn it was going to fall off. I couldn't hold my head up any longer I just gave in and laid my head against his chest. My eyes felt heavy and I was fighting to keep them open. "Just go to sleep princess it's not like you have a choice any way that's what the drugs are for." I could hear him grinning when he said that. I gave up trying as the drugs took me into their warm arms, forcing me into a sound sleep, the last thought to cross my mind was great I'm still fucking naked and that was it.

"Goodmorning Sunshine," Jesse said smiling at me as I groggily open my eyes. 

I groan trying to move but my arms and legs are tied to a chair a very uncomfortable chair. My head still felt heavy and my mind felt foggy. He cups my chin tilting my head up towards him, 

"sorry about what happened baby but you gave me no choice," he said looking me in the eyes. 

"You look so cute like this all confused and loopy, you look like you're looking through me," he said waving his hand in front of my face. I didn't even blink.

 He smiled at me and I smiled back.

 "Your pretty" I giggled, he smiled slowly letting my head fall back down, removing his hand from under my chin. I was still giggling. I felt all giddy and high the fuck did he give me? I got the strength to lift my head and look at him he's all blurry and blobby. I giggled to myself. 

"You're adorable", he giggled back "How am I supposed to punish you when you're being so cute," he said sighing.

"I want sleep," I said slurring

 "Okay baby you can sleep," he said running his finger along my jawline watching me closely as if I was gonna get up and run away. 

No way I could, I don't even think I could stand without falling over. I yawn and close my eyes my head dropping back down. It's uncomfortable falling asleep sitting up but I don't care, I'm too tired to care.

 Wait did he say punish I'm not five years old. 

I can feel my brain shutting down. Jesse walked away leaving me alone with my dissipating thoughts, I wonder how he was going to punish me, maybe make me sit in the corner? I giggled again at the thought. I could hear my own heartbeat the room was so quiet, my brain was quiet. I couldn't form any more thoughts, I could feel my brain cells panicking about their uselessness. I allowed myself to close my eyes and drift off to sleep, an uncomfortable peaceful sleep.

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