The New 'Normal' (2021)

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Do you feel like isolation, quarantined, lockdown are the new normal?
Distancing rules, masks, sanitizer, washing your hands uncountable amounts of times,
It feels normal, is just your everyday routine,
It's automatic.

Two meters apart from every person you see,
No greeting friends, Aunties and Uncles, Grandparents the way you'd usually be.

Hugging or kissing - none of all that,
Keep your distance, stay safe, stay back.

Staying at your homes,
Don't go out unless essential,
Talk to your family, friends all via video call,
Taking up new hobbies,
So much time to spare,
Learing new things,
Even cutting your own hair!

With shops and businesses all closed up,
You're working from home,
Drinking tea, cup after cup,
The Government setting numerous rules,
Then going onto finding a vaccine,

People begin to be injected with the stuff,
Starting with keyworkers, vulnerable, elderly then young,
It seems to be working,
Lockdown may start to lift,
If all goes to plan, we can see who we miss,
Without spreading the virus to the people we love,
As both us and them would have the vaccine,
We'd be immune to the bug.

But if this is 'normal' what would it be then?
When we CAN see people,
Meet up with them?
When we CAN go to the shops,
Speak to people once again,
When we CAN go out places,
What did we go then?
What was the 'old normal' before all this,
What did we do before this virus exists?
So used to staying at home, finding stuff to do,
Forgetting everyday life before the Covid news.


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