Creative Writing Prompt (Cross & Nightmare)

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A/N: This was a creative writing prompt in a club I'm in, and I was proud of how it came out, so it's here now!
Prompt: Genre: Sci-fi/Thriller; Item: Locket Chain; Action: Betrayal

Cross glared at the blue eye that opened in front of him. "What do you want?"

More eyes of various sizes opened up around him, every one staring at him. Cross stood strong in the middle of the dark expanse, looking around stiffly for the monster to reveal their true self. The monster, Nightmare, did no such thing. There was a time where he was terrified of this place he'd always find himself in whenever he went to sleep, and another time where he'd look at the plethora of eyes and mouths and crack a smile, seeing a friend instead of a corrupt deity. Not anymore.

"You need to move on," Nightmare's voice boomed. The sound came from everywhere, and seemed to go nowhere. They were truly otherworldly. "they were only holding you back from your true potential."

"No!" Cross replied, tears accumulating in his multicoloured eyes. "You don't understand! You never understand! My family meant everything to me!"

"Yet you killed them?" Nightmare asked. Silence followed.

"Face it, you never liked them. Rightfully so, too. They were terrible to you." Cross couldn't argue with that. It was true. "You should be happy that they're gone."

Tears streamed down the human's face. His hands raised to his neck, searching for something that wasn't there. "Getting over them is the first step to healing. I'm trying to help you, and you respond this way. You're very immature."

There was a long pause as the deity waited for an answer. "Why did you destroy it?" Cross finally asked. "What, the locket?" Nightmare replied. Cross nodded.

"Now, I don't know much about humans," Nightmare admits, "but you did not like to look at the picture of your family inside it. You spiralled back to the negative thoughts and emotions I originally found you wallowing in." Cross looked away. The eyes around him closed, all except for the one in front of him. The dark coalesced into a tall, slim figure. One blue eye was the only light in the void that was Nightmare's realm, outlining the body that was seven feet tall at least, towering over Cross. The other eye Nightmare (probably) possessed was hidden underneath the same dark substance, always dripping but never leaving spots on the ground. A clawed hand reached out toward Cross, taking the left side of his face and turning him to look at them.

"That locket, that picture of your father and your siblings was only doing you harm." Nightmare leaned down towards Cross, looking him directly in the eye. "You're better off forgetting them. That's why I destroyed that locket. Understand?" Cross paused, before nodding.

"Good. You will now go back to your realm, and you will spend the days to follow finding new hobbies, a new job, and new friends. I will check on you in two weeks." Cross already felt light on his feet, his vision blurring. "I believe in you."

Cross woke up in a cold sweat.

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