Chapter One

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I hear the beeping of equipment but don't feel like opening my eyes. My whole body hurts, too much to even try to do anything. I feel weak useless, and forgetful. The only think that forces me to open my eyes is that I have no idea where I am. I open my eyes to non other than Ryker Beck, the person I hate most. "Hey Ameila, how are you feeling?" Ryker asks with sympathy in his tone. I just stare at him. Scared to talk because I'm in way to much pain. I have so many questions going through my head right now. Why is he being nice to me? Is he the reason I'm here right now? Where is Justin? And why am I in so much fucking pain? 

I work up the strength to ask Ryker why I'm here, but honestly I don't think I want to know. "Why am I here?" I ask suffering to speak. "Do you not remember anything?" Ryker says concerned but relieved. I can pick up on his sense of how relieved he is and now I feel concerned. "How about we wait till you're feeling better for me to tell you what happened, because a lot happened and it would be a lot to take in. And you need as much rest and relaxation. You don't need to be worrying about what happened. Just relax." Ryker said. "Why are you being so nice to me?" I ask breathlessly. Ryker just laughs, then sighs. I couldn't get over the fact that Ryker Beck was being nice to me. I could feel that he's trying to protect me from something, it makes me feel comfortable around him, but I'm not sure why. My head fills with questions. I want to know why I'm here. And why Ryker is here with me. Does my mom know? Does Justin know? Did Ryker do this? He couldn't, right? I start to tear up when I start thinking about all the questions. Ryker notices. He gets up and kneels down next to me. Ryker reaches for my hand. I get he's trying to comfort me, but it's weird. I'm supposed to hate him, he's supposed to hate me. But I let him take my hand. His hand is warm and comforting. I like it. Ryker takes both of his hands cover mine. He looks at me and smiles, trying to cover his fear form me. "It's gonna be okay. Everything will be okay. Just breathe." Ryker says, trying to breathe himself. 

Feeling Rykers hands cover mine making me feel so relaxed that I fall asleep. For three hours. Once I wake up I see Ryker curled up by my feet. He seems peaceful. But I need to wake him up because I don't know if Justin will be coming at all today and I don't want him to make something out of nothing. I decided to wake Ryker up so it wouldn't cause me or him any harm with Justin. 

"Oh, Hey Amelia. Feeling any better?" Ryker sits up and stretches. I feel like I should actually talk to him so I work up the courage to speak. "My head hurts and I feel weak. When are you going to tell me exactly what happened?" Ryker sighs. "Once you heal and I feel okay with talking about what happened, I'll tell you.  If you hopefully don't remember anything by then." I look Ryker in his eyes. We stare into each others eyes for a while. I'm trying to figure why he's being like this.  A nurse walks in and breaks out eye contact. "Visiting hours are over. You will have to leave now, Sir." The nurse says. I can't help but to feel sad that Ryker has to go. He looks at me and frowns as he stands up. "If you need anything from me, text me okay."  He says as he's  walking over grabbing my hand again. I have a bad urge to tell him that I need him to stay, but I don't because again, I still have a boyfriend.  "Okay, I plan on sleeping my way out of this place." I managed a laugh out of Ryker. "Okay you do that, you need the rest." We go back to staring into each other's eyes for another thirty seconds. Hell, it could've been thirty years because that's what it felt like. "Sir, you need to leave now." The nurse interrupts us again. Ryker squeezes my hand three times before he got up and left. "Bye Amelia." He says as there's a pause. Like he wants to say something else. Like he needs to say something else. "Bye Ryker." Silence fills the room as Ryker walks away. "Boyfriend?" The nurse asks. "No, more the enemy." The nurse just glares at me, but not like a mean glare, like a, "you sure?" type glare. "Didn't seem like it. I think he may be into you." I start laughing so much that it hurts. "You're kidding right? We hated each other since fourth grade. There is no way in hell he likes me." The nurse just stares. "Okay. It's time for your vitals." I've never liked hospitals. And this is probably my least favorite part other than the fact that I'm a germaphobe. I don't know what it is about people taking my vitals that I don't like, I just don't like it. "Ugh okay." I say as she starts doing her job. I don't want to watch her so I close my eyes. All I can think about is when Ryker was holding my hand. It made me feel at peace, so comfortable. I know I shouldn't be thinking about Ryker like this because I've hated him for so long now and I have a boyfriend. But it's been years. People change. I changed. Maybe Ryker has too. I fall asleep  thinking about Ryker. I feel bad about thinking about Ryker when I should be thinking about Justin. But I just can't help myself. 

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