Chapter Six

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I opened my eyes, acting like I was just asleep. "Oh hey Justin." I say casually stretching like I just woke up. "Sorry baby, I didn't know you were asleep. Don't mind my angry texts." He chuckeled trying to act cool. The thing about Justin, is that he's always been pretty easy to read. So I know when something is up. And something is definitely up. I knew that for a while, I could feel it, but really now that it's just me and Justin, something is definitely up. "So, have you talked to that punk Ryker?" Uhm, what? Wasn't it just yesterday they were best friends? Or at least at the party, I think. "No? Why all of a sudden he's a punk? Aren't you guys best friends?" Justin stared at me. "Not after what he did at the party, no." After what he did? So Ryker did this? Or is there something else? "What do you mean by what he did?" I ask half poking into something I honestly don't think I want to know. "Poor baby, you don't remember what he did to you? Ryker is the reason you're here." Ryker did whatever this is to me? But why does Justin keep saying he like he? It's oddly suspicious. And I don't like that. "No, I can barely remember what happened yesterdays, let alone a few days ago." I receive a message from Ryker, and turn my phone off so quickly. "What are you hiding?" Shit. I mean it was a little suspicious of me to turn off my phone that quickly. But I would much rather have me seem suspicious than have Justin know that Ryker messaged me. Even though I maybe shouldn't trust him? "Nothing, it was just a spam message. I'm waiting for my mom to text." I lied. "Okay babe. When you get out of this trash hole, do you wanna hang out at my place? My parents won't be home for like, another month." Justin asked. I knew that was him saying 'come over please I want to get laid'. "Uh, sure." I didn't know what else to say. I obviously wasn't in any shape for that. "Okay babe." I smiled slightly. 

Another 10 minutes passed. I got another message from Ryker, but I didn't read it. I was too nervous that Justin would see, because he was laying next to me now. Justing looked at me. Scooting closer, he put his hand up reaching for my face. He tucked a loose piece of my curtain bangs back, and suddenly, something hit me.

"Babe, you should wear your hair down more often. It looks good." Justin said tucking my curtain bangs behind my ear. We were on our way out to go shopping for an outfit for Rykers party tomorrow. He leaned over the center council and gave me a quick kiss.  

I slowly backed away from Justin. "Everything okay?" He asked with concern and anger.  "Yeah, I just got lightheaded." I replied with a small smile. "Well okay, I can let you rest if you really need to." Justin said kissing my forehead and walking away.  Justin walked away and out of the door. I let out a large, long sigh. Not even three minutes after Justin walks out there is a knock on my door.  Ryker walks in. "Thank god he finally left I thought he was going to stay the night."He siad as he walked in and sat in the chair by the bed. We both let out a chuckle. "My mom and Alyssa are supposed to be coming sometime tomorrow, i'll let you know what time when I know. They like to randomly show up." "What do you not want me to be there when your mom and best friend are here?" We stared at each other. "Well if you don't remember, I am still dating Justin. My mom will think i'm cheating, and she won't be happy. She loves Justin." Ryker said something under his breath, I couldn't catch what he said though. "What was that?" He looked away. "Nothing, i'll be back, Kate needs my assistance." I was a little disappointing, he just came back and was already leaving. I don't like being all by myself in this depressing hospital. "Okay, don't get lost, we need to watch the Kissing Booth again." "Alright romance nerd." And he walked out . 

I waited for what felt to be about an hour but apparently was only twenty minutes. "Knock knock." Ryker said as he was walking in.  "Gosh finally! What took you so long? I almost started watching the movie by myself." He walked over to the bed and sat on the edge. "Well she needed help cleaning a room, someone just left." I raised one of my eyebrows, "Isn't that like not allowed because you don't work here?" "Well yes, but when family calls, I help." I can't help but smile. Ryker has never changed. He has always been there for his family no matter what. "Well I guess that's fine. But we better start the movie soon before I get hangry and don't want to do anything but eat." Ryker's smile grew. We started the movie, The Kissing Booth, again. Ryker slowly came closer and closer to me till we were practically cuddling.  He reached for his phone in his pocket. He looked concerned. "What are you late for a hot date?" I asked with a slight giggle. "No I'm just thinking." I went back to watching the movie. After about five minutes, he put his phone down in his lap. Around fifteen minutes passed and there was a knock on the door. "Come in!" I call, too comfy to care. It was Kate, walking in with a bag that looks like it's from the Chinese take out from down the block. "Delivery!" Kate said with a smile. "Thanks cus, I would've picked it up but as you can see I'm a bit busy with a movie marathon." Ryker said looking at me. I slap his arm. "Well it's your fault that you fell asleep when we first watched it." I reply back to him. "Well I'll leave you two to it then. I don't want to disrupt your guys marathon." Kate says backing out the door. "Thanks again." Ryker says a little too late, she's already out the door. "Well I took a guess, do you still like chicken fried rice?" Ryker asks. I smile. He remembered.   

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