Chapter Two

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                                                                                    3 Days Earlier

I was at Justin's house chilling on his bed. We were watching Outer Banks because the new season just came out. "Hey babe, wanna go to a party at Ryker's on Saturday?" I roll my eyes at Justin as he is pleading. "You know how much I don't like Ryker." Justin is begging. His bottom lip pops out. "Please babe, it will be fun." I sigh. "Fine. But if at any time I want to leave, we are leaving. No ifs, ands, or buts." I say making my point very clear. "Thanks babe. I promise that we will have the best time." I know I was going to regret agreeing to go. something felt off to me. I couldn't help but feel a bit happy to be going, even though I could feel something off in the pit of my stomach.  I haven't been out, to a real party in months. It would feel good to go out, have a few drinks and relax. Senior year has been stressing me out. Trying to figure out my future and what I wanted to do, on top of making sure I was getting good grades, studying, and aceing my exams. It was all too much for me.  I feel like I wasn't good enough, but I was to hard on myself, not being able to find the right balance. And at least I would have a day to prepare myself for this party. So everything should end well. 

I eventually fell asleep watching Outer Banks. When I woke up I grabbed my phone that was lying on my stomach. It's already 4:43 p.m and I still need to get home for dinner. My mother was one to eat no later than 6:00, and I always helped her when I could, so I got  up to look for Justin. He wasn't in his bedroom, so I walked over to his bathroom. The door was closed, so I knocked then opened the door. He was on the phone. "Hey, let me call you back later." He said to whoever he was talking to. "Good morning sleepyhead. Did you have a nice nap babe?"  I nodded my head as I walked over to him and wrapped my arms around his neck. "Who were you on the phone with?" I asked, inching closer to his lips. "Oh.. just Nick. He was asking me if he though he should bring anything to the party on Saturday." I felt a little suspicious about Nick asking Justin instead of just asking Ryker himself. Justin, Nick, and Ryker have been best friends since forever. So they were all close, that's why I didn't know why Nick was asking Justin instead of Ryker. I didn't let it bother me too much though. I pushed the though to the back of my head. "Would you like to come home with me for dinner? I think we're having alfredo tonight. Your favorite." I asked and Justin pulled a grin onto his face. "Of course, I would love to come home with you tonight." I rolled my eyes. "You know my dad's home, so none of that when we're at my house. Understood?" Justin and I locked gazes. I could see the hunger in his eyes. Yeah, we might be young, but I could tell what he wants, when he wants it. It wasn't that hard to tell. I pulled his head down to mine, giving him a sweet but intimate kiss. "Tomorrow, I promise. We don't have the time right now." 

We just got into my car as Justin leaned over the center counsel, wrapping his arm around my waist, turning me towards him. I locked gazes with him again. He mouthed the word, 'please' to me, asking for a lot since his whole family had a perfect view of us from the living room. "No, not here. Can you please wait until we're somewhere more private?" I could feel his needy eyes look me up and down.  "But babe, you just look so goddamn edible right now." I don't know what it was, but how he said that, or the words he just used made me ick horribly. "I know I might look edible, but you have to contain yourself, or you won't be allowed in my room, or my house. I promise, tomorrow, I'm yours." The grin that was lost on his face suddenly reappeared. "Tomorrow, like at the party tomorrow?" Justin would've been jumping up and down if he wasn't sitting, buckled in my car. "Yes, like at the party tomorrow. As long as you can stay quiet." Justin reached his lips to mine. "You should be telling yourself that babe, I'm the quiet one hear. On the bright side, everyone will know you belong to me. Your my property." Ick, ick, ick. I wanted to climb out of my skin when he said that. I want to be no ones property. But I guess it's just Justin. He's very territorial. But at the same time, it grosses me out that he thinks i'm and object, his object. But yet again, it's Justin.  

We arrived at my house just in time for me to help my mom make dinner. Justin sat at the kitchen island, playing on his phone. I swear, literally everyone I know now plays Subway Surfers, even my own parents play. And that's exactly what Justin was playing, he's such a kid. I started on the alfredo sauce while my mom cooked chicken. "That smells so delicious." Justin said as I turned around to face him and he winked at me. I rolled my eyes knowing what he ment and went back to cooking. "I know, my daughter is the best cook." My mom said making me smile. I felt the presence of someone else in the room. "There's my two girls. Hello Justin, nice to see you again." My dad walked up behind my mom and gave her a kiss on the cheek, then walked over to me and squeezed my shoulders. "Hey Mr. Miller, it's a pleasure seeing you." Justin said and I could hear his smile in his voice. He was sweet to my parents, but he didn't like them. I'm not sure why.  I was thankful that he was nice to their faces at least. Justin and my father talked about sports and guy stuff as mom and I finished up dinner. Once I finished, I set the table and took the pitcher of water out of the fridge and set it on the table. "Dinners ready!" Mom called out to everyone. As an only child, it was simple for my mother and father to get everyone at the dinner table, but it was kinda lonely growing up without having anyone. I know for a fact when I have kids, even if it hurts like hell, I will have more than one. They might fight and bicker, but it's better than being lonely like I had been. Justin and my father had gone to the living room to watch tv while mom and I were cooking. So they came walking in from the living room. We all sat around the table that seated five, just in case we ever had company. You could tell that Justin was enjoying his meal because he was dead silent the entire meal. My mom and dad tried making small talk, but Justin and I both weren't really having it. After dinner I washed all the dishes. After cleaning up Justin and I walked out to his car. "I don't wanna go babe. We have more important things to do." He said winking at me again. "What did I tell you Justin. Tomorrow, I'm yours." His smile grew into a smirk. "I know babe, but you know how hard it is for me to resist you." I was walking him to his door as my heart sunk. Why did that affect me?  "I know, but i'll see you tomorrow, when i'm yours." I said as I opened his door. He climbed into his Jeep stealing a kiss from me. "Okay babe. Love you." We both smiled. "Love you too." I said while closing his door and started walking away. He started the engine, but waited for me to get inside to drive away. 

Once I got to my room I got changed into sweats and a loose crop top, sat on my bed, and thought why Justin's words affected me. 'I know babe, but you know how hard it is for me to resist you.' kept replaying in my head. He says stuff like that to me all the time. But why does it affect me now? I think I love Justin, but what if I didn't. My mind is obviously jumping to conclusions, right? 

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