Chapter 6 Continues

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I didn't know why I sat by myself but it was a habit.
"Umm...Its just a...Habit ya just a habit!" I said nervously.
"Habit? What do you mean by habit?" Sandra gave we a weird look. Its a question I couldn't answer, I Just stared at her and she stared back but she was towering over me. "Are you ok?"
"I...I'm fine..." I stared down at my food while she laughed at me it was a small chuckle then a laugh to be honest.
"Hey guys! Somethings heating up over here so Whats going on? Sandra!" Buck came over with a happy face that disappeared like magic. Sandra started put down her tray and kept staring at buck. She started to run!
"You'll never catch me!" She said.
"Why you little!" He started to run while saying that. I watched them run while i sat at an empty table once more. Thats when i realized why I picked this table as well as the food. Its how I was when I was little...I sat by myself everyday of my school years. Overtime I liked sitting by myself wondering thing I never found out, every time someone tried to sit next to me I usually moved somewhere else. I never understood myself when I was little but I never made the choice to make friends either.
"Hey are you still there?" A hand waved in front of my face I couldn't tell who's sense my hair was blocking the light. I moved my hair while turning my head to see who it was. Cody.
"Cody hey didn't see you coming!"
"Well then I hope I didn't mean to startle you then." He started to get up to leave.
"W...Wait!" I said grabbing his arm. He looked back at me waiting for me to responded. "Umm...can you at least sit with me?"
"Ugh!" Cody sat right back with his head on the table. I stared at the back of his head that looked like silk threads painted brown. I grabbed my apple from my tray and took a bite out of it. When i looked back cody was staring right back at me. He actually did startle me this time.
"Gosh stop being scary!"
"Huh? Your super weird." Later after I finished my food I was able to read some of my book in my room while I still waited for that guy to return my shoes. I sat criss cross on my bed somewhat facing the door. The book started out weirdly for some reason. The girl woke up in the grass not knowing anything from her past, only just a few little details. She ends up meeting new people she thinks she never met before and has to save everyone from killing each other. It escalated very quickly don't see why you would do that to a book that looks very long.
"Hey I'm back!" The boy said bursting into my room. The boy was holding my shoes and a book bag. "I got some stuff you might need!" He handed me the book bag and my shoes. I'm surprise I haven't stepped on anything yet.
"Thanks for returning them now I can start that trip then." I told him. I opened the bag to a flip knife and a pair of clothes.
"Ada told me to give this stuff to you as well I don't know why but, Ya your welcome." He replied.
"I...I never got to know your name..."
"Oh right forgot that the last time we met! Its just Nick." He had his hand out to shake mine.
"Well then nice to meet you Nick." I replied shacking his hand.
"Then we'll be going soon!"
"Ok then." I said. He walked out of the room with a frown like he didn't care what I said to him or annoyed by me. I don't even know him and he hates me! Great! I'm Pretty sure he's the leader here so Its going to be hard to be on his good side sense I'm "pure." I looked at the clothes Ada didn't manually just give to me! It was a pair of black jeans and a red shirt with a hood plus a white vest. I haven't washed my clothes sense three days ago but I didn't reek at least. I decide to try the clothes on, Some of it was a little big but it was able to fit on me. The sleeves went up to my fingers and I had to roll the jeans up about four times. The vest surprisingly fit me. I put my other clothes in the book bag and put my switchblade in my pocket. I ran out the door to meet the others who were waiting for me. I walked down the half light hallway to see the others . Buck, Nick, Cody, and Ada were going out to investigate with me.
"Hey there's the noobie!" Nick said carelessly.
"Haha very funny." Ada retorted.
"So are we going or what?" Buck replied.
"Ya we are going!" Nick said. I watched them complain about stuff I didn't know about.
"Lets just go already." Cody said walking off. Everyone stopped complaining and chased after him I just followed them like a lost puppy. Long doors held back the infected or what ever trys to get in here. A few people i didn't know grabbed the levers that are on each side of the door and started to spin them, the doors started to open slowly. It was bright out but it was no different then my room. There were a few infected close by but they didn't notice us they only react to people they know from there past or present. I watched them walk away slowly with there bloodshot eyes just like zombies but there fast and they can do what a regular human can do just they kill people they love or befriend. sometimes they befriend people they don't know, which means as soon as they befriend them they kill em. It scares me a bit but its there vision that mess them up. We reached to two separate trails. I heard this is what were investigating so we get to find out where there going to lead us too.
"Lets split up!" Nick said. "I'll take the girls and you two go check that road out."
"Why do I have to go with you?" I asked
"Ya why do you have to take the Girls?" Buck asked angerly.
"Because I'm the leader and I say I take the girls!" He retorts.
"I mean I would go with them but I don't trust you with her."Ada told him
"Well if your with me I wouldn't do anything funny with this innocent little thing." Nick replyed. I wouldn't call myself innocent sense I kicked a guy and made him go to the hospital at my old school for being... lets say "touchy."
"Gah! Stop complaining and lets get this over with!" Cody was tired of listening to their complaining and walked off.
"H...H...Hey! Wait up!" Buck chased after him sense its not good to be by yourself in this infection. sense theres always someone who can surpass you. Nick grabbed my shoulder and forced me to look away from them and we all kept walking.
"Hey how about me and you met tonight?" Nick asked me. Ada stopped and grabbed the back of his shirt and forced him to walk faster. "I can't help myself please let me go! Umm... Don't worry we can talk about this later!"
"Have fun trying!" I yelled back smiling. I couldn't help myself but to laugh. Soon Ada had to drag Nick throught the whole trip sense he couldn't keep up with her. He kept showing me call me faces even thought he knows where my room is...I better lock my door tonight... By the time we got to the end Nicks butt looked more trashed then the trees blocking the way. I can see a city in the back of it and it looked big.
"We better tell the others this is a dead end." Ada said.
"But the trees are just blocking the rest of the path." I replied.
"what?" Ada started to wince to see the other side she stoped after seeing it. "Your right then were going to need some help then."
Ada kept dragging nick who was already in so much pain. We got back to the others and they had dissapointed faces on.
"dead end." Cody said.
"Ours is being blocked by a bunch of trees." Ada said.
"Then were going to need the jeep then."
"The jeep?" I asked.
"Anyways its our only chance of going throught there we have no chainsaws to just to cut right throught it." Cody said staring at me. He looked away after he finished his speech.
"Fine! Fine we'll take the jeep but if we don't find a gas station to fill it have fun with a blackeye." Ada said. She scared me right when she said "blackeye." I don't imagine her as bad but she is serious when she needs too.
"Ok then! lets go back to base." Buck eyed balls the infected close by.
"lets talk about this later."
"good idea" One of the infected started to run towards us and i guess recongized one of us then went on a weird gosse chase. Ada gave us some time to run when she roundhoused the infected. Were safe this time just this time

End of Chapter 6

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