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"Hold on milady, just a bit more. Push harder."

The queen was rested in her bed about to give birth to the heir of their kingdom.The first born.

She shrieked with agony while nurses were all fussing about with damp cloth to keep her pain away. Oh how she longed for her king to come back.

Then with the last effort came a shrill cry and she was relieved that it was all over. For now.

"Give me my baby, let me see " Then she stopped abruptly at the forlorn look in her maid's eye.

"What is it ?" She said with a frown. No, she cannot show her weakness. Not here. The walls have ears and eyes, word travels faster than fire.

"It isn't a boy ,milady, its a girl. She cannot be princess. Our king wouldn't approve of her." The maid grew horrified with each syllable and her voice grew softer to the point of whisper.

But the queen heard it all right. Even through the rush of blood in her ears, the thumping of her heart and the crickets outside,she heard it clear as day.

Then came the sound of trumpets and the clattering of hooves .The king was back from his hunt.

Even exhausted,the queen made to stand , but failed miserably. "Let the king know I wish to seek him. And bring me the dagger along with you."

"You cannot do that ,milady. This isn't you!!" The maid said with horried eyes. No, She had to do whatever it took to save her only child.If it was threatening the king,or going along with the threat,that was upto his magesty. So long as her daughter was safe, the kingdom was too. She was the soul of this kingdom, ever since she was conceived, the land flourished.

"I shall do what it takes to protect my child and my kingdom, you dare turn your back against your queen ?"

"No, milady, I shall do as asked and give you my word,nothing will escape the chambers."


"Long live the Queen and princess"

She took the princess with her ,to cleanse her and prepare her for bed and nursing.

With them as parting words,she ran past the chambers to bring the queen dagger that was gifted to her as a wedding present to keep her safe when needed.

Now it was time to protect her daughter with the same jeweled dagger.

The queen looked up at the sky.The moon is a loyal companion. It never leaves. It's always there, watching, knowing us in our light and dark moments, changing forever just as we do. Every day it's a different version of itself. Sometimes weak and sometimes strong . The moon understands what it means to be human. Uncertain. Alone. Cratered by imperfections.

But no more, for her daughter was perfect.She had a glimpse of her. Bluest eyes midnight black hair and the fairest skin. She was going to be a heart breaker and the queen knew it. But she would raise her right.

She would set things right.


"Momwy momwy ... when do I get to see the pw-pin-prinncess ? You pw-pwomisssed meee!!"

"Shh! not yet , It isn't known yet. Your mummy would be hurt if word gets out."

Little Niall pouted sadly for not getting what he wanted.But as his mom's words sank in , he got teary eyed just thinking his mommy would be hurt for him being so demanding.He swore he would never ask for anything as long as his mommy was safe.

"Here, Little boy , Now you can see her.Such a pretty little thing, isn't she?" The maid said while caressing her cheeks and held the princess to her bosom.

"I shall protect you with my life my little snow." She said while dabbing her eyes to rid it of its moisture.

"She's so wrinkly , mommy .Can I touch her? She's so pink and bald too. You sure she's a gel?" The maid giggled and snow snuggled more into her.

"She's an angel, my sweet. Be careful , don't fall in love with her. Our fate isn't as good. Always protect her.Even from yourself if need be. Promise me , Ni , you would."

"Aye , mommy . I wood. For ya."

While lil Niall bent down to hold her hand, she held on tight to his fingers and he felt... he felt like he found a reason to be .  Ans then she smiled a faint smile with pink dusted rosy cheeks.Then he was mesmerized and found  a reason to live now apart from for his mother, the princess would be his another priority . Aye, he would make sure she was always happy.That smile never left her cheeks .


The king had returned from his hunt. He was anxious and nothing seemed better than going out on a hunt to take his mind off of his very pregnant queen. He wanted to be by her side, but what would his people think? He couldn't get soft. He had to leave,to show he was merciless.

Just as he entered the halls,the maids all scattered.They all bowed to him and smiled at him in invitation not proper for a maid .

Yet ... Something was amiss and he was about to find what.

"Guards! Leave us be. I wish to be alone with my queen for the night." The guards gave an astonished look but bowed and left as ordered. Nobody messed with the king's orders.

"Are you okay my queen ? What of our heir --" His smile left his face just as he saw his queen out of bed and staring at the moon with a dagger in hand. The very dagger he gave to her too.

"Are you in danger? What happened?" He sounded frail. No. He cannot let anyone harm his queen or his son.No-one.

"It is not my health or the heir's at any risk.For he doesn't exist. It's an heiress." The queen turned with a sad smile painted on her thin chapped lips.

"Oh. The first born is a...girl." The king frowned at it.

" 'Tis right of you to want to protect your child and yourself. I would'na trust meself either. The way I've been to you lot over the years.The pressure to be a king at such an young age.To marry the princess and not the girl I had given my heart to. I was just expected to do as said. " He patted right next to him on his bed.

" 'Ave a seat me love. We have to plan a lot of things now."

The queen nodded but with an apprehensive look sat down beside him.

"I wanted to marry someone I loved , not a wedding from a wedlock. But after I got to know you , There woud'na been anyone more deserving a queen. I learnt to love you , I have my queen . Love was something I knew none of , but with you it feels like I have everything and more." He drew in a shuddering breath .

"  I may not have me first born an heir. Maybe we can tell they were twins. Not one, but two children born.We can give someone the honour of a prince if you let me . I know of a girl she gave birth to a bloomin lad this morn . She could be a nanny if you may."

"You would let her be? You would'na hurt 'er ? My lord how I wished for this moment. How worried I was. You've eased my heart so. I'm so glad for your forgiveness and kind heart.I'm sorry for having ever doubted you my king but I was just trynna save me  child."

She was truly happy and with tears of joy she clutched hold of her king and showered him with kisses. Soon they broke apart when there was a knock on her door.

"Come in Laela, Bring my daughter to me." The king stiffened and took a deep breath, he was yet to prepare himself to see his daughter. Just then the queen said. " Spread the word , the queen had twins and the first born is a son and the second born is a daughter."

"Yes , your highness." She bowed her head and with a gleeful smile towards the family went on her merry way .


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