Almost Is Never Enough

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My feet were about to fall off.

I was waiting to be introduced right outside the giant doors to the alcove where the royal family was seated. It wasn't every day you get to meet another people from a whole different country, kings too at that. Okay, maybe just one king and his daughter. But it still counts right?

Right? Nah ? well okay then.

Like I said, standing for about an hour, when clearly I wasn't to be expected yet, was torture. That too, in these fitting shoes that matched my dress and the constricting corset taking off my breath. Try it once, and I bet you'll swear them off for all of eternity.

And then like a beacon of light I heard the faint whisper of my name being called followed by sound of annoying trumpets that almost ...almost made me jump out of my own skin and deaf for life. Jeez couldn't they see their own princess was standing right at the end of their instruments? Its like they did it on purpose!

Stumbling over the uneven carpet, which, I bet was Scott's idea to make the king look bad. I didn't know if I should laugh at their bad luck or sympathize with them. I should most likely thank my lucky stars for not falling on my face, seeing my feet pretty much gave up on me after being stood for over an hour.

Upon entering the alcove, I stopped for a moment to take in the view. It wasn't like I hadn't seen my mother smile before, but it truly had been quite a while I had seen the spark in her eyes and her smile so genuinely and not for pretenses' sake.

It took me a while to gain my momentum and then I announced my presence by stomping my feet a bit more strongly. Which on hindsight wasn't such a bright idea of mine but it all flew off my mind when instead of receiving a glare from the king for interrupting what appeared to be quite the amusing conversation, all I got was a warm smile and kind eyes. Was that amusement I saw? He laughing at me! No wonder my mother was taken by the king. He was so much like my father- kind eyes, warm smile, flushed cheeks, and obvious sense of humor.

It was then I decided to give them a chance, yet stay cautious. As it was, I had learnt long ago in life not to judge a book by its cover. Looks can most definitely be deceiving. The more I saw him interacting with the family, the more anxious I got. Why is it he gets to make everyone happy when I couldn't in so long? He didn't even know them until now, like I do.

Wow I had quite the whirlwind of thoughts right there. Some positive and a few negative. Hmm.. Should have kept count of all positives and negatives, so I could know if he was worth being with us. Oh wait... its not like my judgement matters. I'll be married to another soon enough and have no right to the kingdom anyway, apart from the land I'll be taking as m dowry. Which reminds me....

It was a whole different story with Kate. She seemed to sulk and try her best to get my mother's attention. I could feel what she was, so with a quick decision, I thought to take her away from all of them and get to know her and what actually transpired between her and my brother and if it was anything worth paying attention at all. But he is my twin and it was my duty to ensure he doesn't get into any more trouble than he already was in.

Looking over at the king I decided that it was much better I had a chat with him first. He met my steady gaze and smiled, "Alaina, you're as beautiful as your mother made you out to be. Or perhaps more, for beauty is far more than meets the eye. Come, let us get to know each other. I'm sure you have questions and threats for me."

I ducked my head to hide my scarlet cheeks to which everyone laughed heartily. Just to hear my mother laugh even if it was at my expense, made me happy. Watching her cheeks flush with happiness and her eyes shine with tears of joy was all it took to forget my moment of embarrassment. And I got up to follow the king to listen to his side of the story.

My eyes followed towards the balcony overhead to see Niall grin at me in encouragement and Scott shake his head with wide eyes. Following his line of sight, I saw Kate glaring at him. So it was indeed the same Kate. Hmm. Something had to be done about it and soon.

If only my idiot of a brother didn't take it to himself to get rid of the both of them. I think, they might after all be the ones to save us from the impending doom.

But almost, has never been enough. We all need more, more than we need, more than we deserve. Sometimes, a little isn't quite enough. We need it all.

A little faith, a little trust, a little honesty, a little love- no we needed all of it to mend us. Not just in parts. And I would make sure, we had it all, even if it was the last thing I did. That's what my father wanted, and that's what I'll do for him. I'll prove the kingdom that I'm the rightful heir, being firstborn, or being a boy isn't all it takes to run a kingdom. A girl can do just fine.

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