To forgive or forget

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Somewhere along the way I realized I couldn't always hide away from my problems and it was time I took matter into my own hands and confronted them instead head on if I had to.

I was so consumed into my thinking I hadn't realized that I'd almost run into Scott if it wasn't for him laughing at my lack of focus or in his terms 'being obliviously stupid and in denial'. Whichever helps him sleep at night I'd say.

"We look who realized they weren't in bed while on horseback! Only you can manage not to focus while on a wild beast like him". Scott scoffed at my failed attempt at a glare I'm still trying to perfect. Well seeing as my teacher is as frightening as a mouse, it was only inevitable. Niall was a great person to be around for sure but nonetheless he wasn't someone you'd cross your path with.

Here I go thinking about him again. I'm so used to spending time with him , that any time apart and I keep thinking what he would have done, or reacted like if he were to be in here.

"Hello! Alaina! Whoa ... you almost were like in another universe back in there. What's wrong? If it's a boy bothering you just tell me and I'll bring you his head."

"Ah! No... Non – none of that you barbaric fool. As much as Iove you, big brother, sometimes your methods are too much of an image to make my innards come forth. But it's just, the wedding, it's too soon, I don't know if we can trust him, Scott. Its like he was waiting all this time you know? I can't bring myself to talk to mother about this, she's happy after all...after all this time. Its just .... I don't know, it doesn't feel right to me".

He nodded his ascent to me and sighed long. " I see... it does seem quite the neat trick to me too. Everything seems to perfect to be true. The kingdom is rich, just the right amount for us to thrive on. The king has no mistresses, his only daughter is... well she seems too kind and proper. Or at least that's what I've gathered. Oh and did I mention the Irish are said to be really lucky? in like... everything ? "

Is it just me or did that sound like something inappropriate? Knowing Scott it most likely was. He's a man afterall. I blushed at that.

"Ahh... thinking about your little puppy again I see. He's Irish ain't he? No wonder .... Seems like all the women in our family fall for the Irish charm." He said with a snicker

"Shut up you twat. Its not like king Malik is Irish. He was handed the kingdom because the heir was banished. He's from England actually. "I said with pride for knowing more of my history unlike Scott whose only history knowledge went as far as knowing our parent's birthdays.

"Well we're here now. If you save me some of your dessert Alaina, I'll promise not to mention at dinner about your slip up with the swear word." Well shit ... I mean poop... yeah. Well I'll have to play my role of the perfect princess and not like a sailor.

"Like they'd ever believe yo- " I was cutoff mid-sentence by galloping horses and a royal carriage following those. We both gave each other a panicked look that clearly said that we were in trouble. We'd been so caught up in our own world, we'd completely disregarded the fact that the royal family were invited over today for late lunch, evening tea and dinner to have safe grounds and get to know each other.

We gave each other a nod of good luck and scurried off stumbling and running until we reached each other's room. Well the stumbling was more of me but you get the point.

Two maids and Niall were waiting in my room to get me ready. Shooting them a guilty look I slipped into the adjoining room for my bath while Niall waited outside no doubt to lecture me about Scott and how I shouldn't let him deter me from my duties. But what came out of his mouth was something I never expected from him. At all.

"Al, I'm sorry if I come off as a bad person to you right now but I'm kind of scared. I know its been hard for you to accept changes so soon. You don't want him to replace your dad, his memories, and his legacy. But just give him a chance, as a person. Would you like to be judged by others based on stories ye've overheard from not such reliable sources? Ye know how they change things. Don't you Al ? Just listen, let them speak and observe them with your own eyes and not based n what ye've heard, 'aight? "

He was right. I didn't like it any better when people judged me on the basis that I didn't have a father to show me right , or an emotionally absent mother so that would most likely mean why I was most definitely not the proper princess and more of a disaster to any kingdom I'd be married off to. I was said to be spoiled so much that I was planning on running away with my personal guard – Niall. It was absurd, all of it.

By my lack of response, he assumed that the conversation was over. But I still had to add my thoughts to it. "Thank you Ni, you always know the right things to say. I never would have thought to look past the rumors and actually see what everything was about. I'll try to be at my best behavior. "

Once I came out of my bath, I wasn't surprised in the least to see him feasting on my supposed fruits with some salt and pepper sprinkled on them. "Save some for your best friend, would you? The horse was too tiring for me. "

He jumped startled and whirled around with a mouthful and sheepish smile "Sorry Al , I was just getting bored and helped meself to some of those. I can order someone to bring you more. You should be going now, to receive the king and his daughter. I heard your brother was taken by her."

"So... both the Kate's were same?!? "

"Which other Kate does he know? " He asked just as bewildered. "Don't tell me she was one of his conquests. This would be a downright mess if they get into it anymore, she would be both of yours stepsister. Its scandalous! Maybe so our ancestors pretty much married into our own blood to make sure the bloodline remained pure. But times changed, that doesn't happen anymore, Al."

"Like we didn't have that talk earlier this morning. The wedding is so close how on earth am I supposed to get this right?" I held onto my head and collapsed on my bed. "Leave us alone please. Come fetch me in a few minutes."

As soon as the doors closed, Niall decreased the distance between us and held me tight. " Its okay , get to know them, have a talk with your brother and the king about it , if not your mother. I'm sure he's much more advanced than his age. There's a reason his kingdom is flourishing, Al. Just choose your words wisely. All will be okay, and if not, we'll find a way anyway. ? You're not a princess for nothing, you can always make it right. Al you gotta do is smile that pretty smile of yours." His warm higs always comforted me. I didn't know what I'ddo without him. I didn't even want to dweel on that thought much longer.

" Aleish , Rebekkah " As soon as Niall's voice boomed through the room , my maids gathered around the corner and helped me into my dress and soon I was off to greet my soon to be step family.

I just had to decide if they were worth forgiving or... not? 

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