Chapter 1 : Beginning

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I'm Alaina , princess of Scotland . And this , is my story , or what I remember of it . 

I was seven or maybe eight and was happy. Blissfully happy and content if I may say so. Unknowing of the things waiting for me in the future.Bad things.... but that's beside the point 'cause we all know without bad moments, life would never be worth it. I'm rambling again.Oops?

I was sitting under the apple tree and soaking the sun while Niall read the stories to me. He was a true knight (even if he was scared of horses, but that doesn't matter, cause he had a heart of gold, just like daddy).

"How boring, read me the one with dragons,please Ni ? " I pouted at him and made my eyes bigger. It always worked on him. 1...2....3...4 ...

He sighed big and averted his eyes from me. Closing the book he looked towards the sky and mumbled, "mommy was right ".

"Okay... There was a beautiful princess guarded by dragons and crocodiles.They were ruthless but never,ever hurt the princess for she had the purest of hearts and was the prettiest maid in all of the seven kingdoms. But she craved the light of the day, to feel the rain on her skin and the grass on her feet. She was- "

The sound of horses galloping towards them brought a frown upon Niall's forehead and he sat upright. It seemed like  a warrior. More specifically one of the warriors dad took with him to the next kingdom to help them plan fighting. Why did he come back alone?

"Stop staring snow, lets go back.It doesn't seem safe to me anymore." His hands were shaking and that was when I knew bad days were near.Very near indeed.

"Why are you taking me away? He might have some good news, Niall." He stopped in his tracks and whirled around to face me.

"I don't know what you saw, but he was injured. Injured, snow. Injured men don't bring in good news when they come back alone. The only news they bear is of death. Lets hope you don't have to wear black anytime soon."

No! Not my parents .Not this way... My mother would be devastated. I had to stop that man! But I couldn't .I was too late. Mom already knew it was not going to happy . She had her own set of spies.That was the day , I lost not one but both my parents.

Following years , she ruled the kingdom but .... it never was the same again .The apple tree lost its fruits it was nearing its death. It was said, when the apple tree of the land withers, so would the kingdom. It needed its king just like the queen did, just like we did .

My brother , Scott was eager to learn all about the kingdom. He had a kind heart but followed my father's path. He was the next successor and yet had lost his innocence so early .I rarely ever saw him. He was always away on different lands to learn the ways of life and kingdoms. He was my twin but we didn't look anything alike. We were so different yet the same in many things.Word was he was adopted , but I didn't care, he was still my brother and one day the king of this kingdom. He would rule this place like it needed to be.

While I would be waiting for a prince to come save me and take me away from the dying kingdom. Or perhaps the prince was here and I was just too blind to see.


The king from the neighboring land sent a marriage proposal to mother to unite the two kingdoms and make it one. It was more of a contract really. I was sixteen by then and the king himself was only twenty , just like Niall. Why would he marry my mother of fifty years was beyond me.It just wouldn't make sense. But desperate times called for desperate measures and soon enough there was a wedding to be held and the kingdoms to be merged.


That was all that could be heard inside the stone walls of the ginormous castle that held us captive within. It was comforting to some but suffocating to me. I was used to the lively chatter of the maids and many birds chirping around gleefully . But as a few years passed... All that remained was Silence.

Fascinating how that drew my mother to marry the very vain king from the western kingdom of Ireland. That was where Niall was originally from but he stayed with us all these years and he was happy about the union of the kingdoms but it just didn't settle well for me.

I was broken out of my reverie by a series of knocks on my door. I straightened out my gown and said "Come in"

I was aware that Scott was to arrive today, but didn't know this early today. It was barely even noon. 

" Not glad to see me , sister? "

" I am Scott, I was just taken by surprise is all. " I gushed to him and rushed to hug him as soon as he spread his arms for me to fall into them.

" Its been a whole year. Had it not been for mom asking you to return back for her news, I'm sure you wouldn't have steeped back into the castle. You always leave me alone to fend for myself.It isn't fair!"

He shakes his head and smiles down at me, " Like you would leave mum's side ever. You wouldn't come along with me. And you're never alone anyway, you're always guarded by that lapdog of yours."

"He's Niall. And he's older than you. Don't call him that !! "

"No need to raise your pretty little voice on me girly. I've some news for you anyway. But don't tell mum as of yet. I think I found myself the perfect girl. Her name is Kate and I think you'll find her just as amazing. I met her last week .She's from Ireland too and a dutchess as she told me. I think she was here on her break to visit . I- "

"Oh my god !! you're babbling. You're always on guard. Do You have a TEENY TINY CRUSH ON HER .OH MY GOD YOU DO !! " I was so ecstatic that finally my sarcastic and clearly serious brother had finally someone to take his mind off of things.

"Keep quiet would you? " he seethes, and just like that I know he's back to being his moody self.

" Okay. I won't tell a soul...wait what ?!? Irish ? Kate? Did she have on the royal emblem stitched to her somewhere? "

"Yes, why do you ask? "

"She's going to be your stepsister! Ugh! Mom is about to marry the king and she's his daughter. She's kind and amazing ,yes, but ....Stepsister , Scotty, she's off limits! "

He just seemed stunned to silence by the revelation and sat back onto the bed with a thump.

"I always am going to be unlucky with the ladies,aren't I? "

"I bet you're glad it was me you told this to and not mum.Bet she would'hv had a coronary just thinking of the possible incest." I giggled under my breath.

"She lied to you about her identity though. Or it could be another kate,we wouldn't know. Lets not loose our sleep over it just yet. Not that you're back , can we go horse riding please? "


And just like that , I have my amazing brother back .Even if for a short while. 

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