The Irish Storm

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Looking out the window I saw my daughter Kate return from her rendezvous along the borders, again. She knew I didn't like her outside of the forts, it was dangerous. But she always won arguments or just went without permission either way, much like now. She thought I wouldn't notice. I am the king, I always know.

I just chose to ignore. She was right, of course, but I would never admit to it. Nobody knew what she looked like, so nobody would ambush her if she didn't make herself known.But being a royalty comes with a price,always. Her upbringing is of high standards, the way she talks,walks, her arrogance,knowledge and delicacy, all hints towards being royalty.

Then again , she could also pretend to be a lady and nobody would know. That is, until they insult her and she blabs away her identity in a moment of anger.

Even if that would be highly dangerous. I knew she was still safe. She was amazing with her wit and her weapons.I taught her well, my princess Kate. But being a father, I still worry for her. Maybe she leaves unscathed, but will her mind heal ever should the time come? If she knew what I was, would she forgive me?

Turning I looked at the walls , nothing reflective was kept at my castle. They haunted me , not that I looked bad, far from it truly. But the mirrors? they have a world inside of them , and somehow I'm capable of interacting with it. I'm scared if I get too involved one day I won't come back.

But... I had a special mirror, one that I commanded. One who held an ancient spirit within captive until I lived. For its spirit was entwined with mine. We were one the same yet so different. It helped me seek the truth reflective surfaces are everywhere. Mirrors see it all. They know it all. And that is my informer.

But that, is a story for another time.


That rake! I knew he was good for nothing nobility but he JUST WOULDN'T GIVE UP! I am done. BLAST! I am so done with mingling with the commoners to get to know their real life anymore. All I wanted was to see what was it like. How hard their lives truly were. But did he care?!? absolutely not! All he knew was I was some damsel and I needed help. HA! It was him who needed it clearly cause he couldn't see it straight , I'm no damsel, I'm a lady , and a lady I shall be.

I was just by the lake resting when he thought it was okay to just gallop to me in his horse and offer me a ride. Blind man , couldn't he see my mare resting right next to the oak tree? When I ignored him , he was even more persuading. Now that I think about it, my attire was like a commoner. Well I couldn't exactly waltz around in my gowns, now could I? I just had to borrow one from my lady in waiting.

Ah... Linda. Such a sweet lass she was indeed. I remember growing up with her. Not having a mother for most of my life made it quite hard for me. But finally I'll get another mother soon. I hope this time fate won't take her away from me. I always wanted someone to love me, understand me and accept me. When most girls my age look for a man, I crave for a mother , or even a sister, for family always comes first, thats what papa tells me. Trust no one but yourself and the only family who would give their life in a heartbeat just to see you smile.

What he doesn't realize is that, if they were that close to our heart, their death would tear our hearts apart. But thats just him being oddly wise and kind, mostly. He has his dark moments too. Not that I'll mention it to strangers. He's just a nice old man, doesn't look the part , but is . Yet mother's loss has driven him to darkness , it was the last push he needed I suppose and he has ever since succumbed to darkness more than ever.

I just hope having a new family will help him . Speaking of which , the rake was my supposed step brother Scott. No matter how much he pretended, I could tell . I can always tell when a person is lying . Also , his royal crest was visible and I had seen his portraits before.

Tomorrow, we shall meet. It would be precious to see his expression. He thought he could court me. Now we'll see the real shock of getting to know me. I'm so pleased I didn't reveal my identity today.

" Princess, let me help you down " Bram , the stable boy asked me while keeping his head lowered and his hand raised. Hmm.... such formality. I'll show him formality.

" Bram , please take storm to the stables and feed her some apples too , shes been so brave and steady today .Also give her a nice hot bath ." He looked up at me puzzled like I grew a second head. Oh well can't keep up pretenses for too long.

" You know me better than that Bram, get me those apples and the steel brush , storm deserves some royal treatment, I winked at him and he gave a boisterous laugh. There's the girl . For a moment I thought you were an impostor in disguise." Shaking his head and enjoying his mirth, he went on his jolly way while I unmounted the mare and brushed away all the dirt and grass stains.

 Linda will have my head if she found about this. I can always buy her another, but shes too stubborn. Learnt from the best I guess. 

Smiling to myself, I went on my way to my own room. 

Soon, I'll have not just maids to share my thoughts and adventures with , but a complete family.

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