Chapter -5

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" Y/N - Kookie I'm going now ? " You yell at jungkook who was in the kitchen while you hurriedly put your shoes on as you wanted to go to the library .

Another pov
Jungkook and you have been dating for a couple of weeks now & jungkook stays the most of the times with you and sticks around wherever you go .

You found it kinda weird but then started enjoying his presence around you , you still getting weird flashbacks and whenever you asked about it , he just changed the topic .

Currently he is in the kitchen cooking because he doesn't let you cook after  you burned your hand , he avoids street food for your health .

Back to story
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"Y/N - I'm going ."
" Jungkook - here --- "
He came to you and stuffed a bite of sandwich . you chew it while he wiped the mayonnaise with his fingers .he fed you the rest of the sandwich coz you were tied your shoes your hands weren't clean .

"Jungkook - when will you return ?"
He asked concerned as he couldn't come along because he got stuck in some work .

" Y/N - i don't know i have so many notes "
"Jungkook - I'll pick you up at 7.00 ? "
"Y/N - Okay ... Bye now "
Jungkook stared at you for a second before cupping your face gave you a long peck .

" Jungkook - Bye , Take care "he said cheerfully , you blushed and nodded before making your way out .

" Jungkook - why she is so cute in EVERY BIRTH ? "He mumbled & went back to the kitchen to clean the mess .

Time skip .

Y/N pov

I was sitting in the library flipping the pages & ntg things down when my eyes landed on a track of books & it strangely made an urge inside me to go to the certain row..........

It looked kinda darked from here so I stood up with a frown and slowly walked towards it .....

I looked at the rack and it said it was row number ...... 11 ........i gulped & walked through that row bot got startled when someone suddenly tapped my shoulder .

I turned around immediately exhaled in relief when I saw a old woman whom I believe I have never seen before but she still looks kind of familiar ........ ?

" Y/N - Ah i ---" you started but got stopped when that woman suddenly pulled out a book from the rack & handed to you with emotionless Face .

You frowned & looked at her .
"Y/N - What is this ?"
" Woman - Read this but don't show this to anyone , NOT EVEN JUNGKOOK ."

You frowned even more & gave her confusion yet scared look .

You look back at the book that's when realisation hit you .

* Wait how does she knows about my bunny , i never told her .* You thought & look up .

"Y/N - May i know , who are-- "

You stopped & your lips parted away when that woman suddenly got disappeared from there .

You walked a few steps around to look for her but no she is nowhere to be seen .

You gulped feeling scared & you quickly went back to your table and sat down with that book . completely zoned out in your thoughts but quickly snapped back when you heard your name being called .

You looked at your side saw one of your good friend who works at the library .

"Jennie - Y/N ? What happened ?"
"Y/N - Huh ! "
"Jennie - are you alright ? " She asked worriedly & sat beside you .

You thought of asking Jennie about that strange lady as Jennie walk around so she must have seen her .

" Y/N - Jen , have you seen a old lady around ? "
" Jennie - old lady ? Today , Noo "
"Y/N - she was looking strange and --- "
" Jennie - what are you talking about ? There is no old lady entry today ."
You shook your head continuously

"Y/N - she was around 11 row ?"
" Jennie - yahh ! Are you drunk or something ? "

"Jennie - There is no 11th row in this library ." She said while your eyes widen in shock , horror and cold sweats appeared on your forehead .

"Who was she ?"

Jennie got concerned seeing your pale
& Terrified face so she asked
" Jennie - y/nahh , who are you talking about ? Are you okay ?"she asked checked your temperature .
" Jennie - you're completely fine ."

" Y/N - Jen i swear i saw a old lady she even give me a book here it is ''
You stopped when you looked around but there was no book anywhere you roamed your shaking hands & eyes wide open in shock Jennie looked around too but there was nothing .

" Jennie - Y/Nahhhh "
" Y/N - i swear Jen i saw a old lady she handed me a book "
She frowned at your words .
" Jennie - what, when ?"
" Y/N - A while ago " Jennie shakes her hands instantly .

" Jennie - Y/N , you have been sitting here since you came , i was walking here & you didn't move a bit after collecting couple of Books & that was a few hours ago "

" Jennie - and I came to you coz you were looking pale & sweating All of a sudden "

* You can't believe what's going on . After hearing what Jennie said . Was it a hallucinations ? Who was she ? *

* You never sleep in library offcourse it was not a dream , she handed a book to you too *

It was getting so messed up and disturbing for you , you were more than just terrified at what had just happened .
" Jennie - y/n. " She called out causing you to snap back .

" Jennie - i think you're tired & stressed you should get some rest I'll call jungkook to come pick you up early . "
She said stood & patted your shoulder before walking away to make the call you took a deep breath and packed off your stuffs & and walked out with Goosebumps all over your body .

You didn't want to stay in library by a second more so you rushed to the ground floor ( library is at 4 th floor )

You were sure that Jen called jungkook so you didn't have to you were just walking eagerly for him to arrive .

You scaredly looked back at the 4 th floor & what you saw made the ground slip under your leg .

The same lady from earlier was standing behind the glass room looking directly in your eyes and smile at you.

Your heart started going crazy you ran from there looking down almost about to cry when you suddenly stumbled in something hard .

" Jungkook - y/nshhi "
You immediately recognised his voice & hugged him tightly didn't cry coz you didn't want him to worry at something which you believed partially wasn't even true .

He hugged you back rubbed your back head completely unknown if what had happened .

"Jungkook - Y/nshii what happened ?"
You gulped a lumb in your throat and parted away .
" Y/N - NTG ." You said not wanting him to worried about you .

" Jungkook - why did you call me early ?"
" Y/N - oh i was so done easy th- that's why "
You said looking down heard him chuckle .

" Jungkook - okay let's go home " he said you simply nodded & followed him to his car & sat beside him trying to forget what had just happened .

Time skip

It was late & kookie was gone so you thought reviewing your notes as you were not sleepy yet so you got up & opened your bag .

You reached your bag & took a random book out you screamed & felled on your butt when you saw that book which was that old lady gave you .

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// To be continued // Next chapter will be out soon , make sure to vote please .

KING NEEDS QUEEN // J.J.K SERIES //Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora