chapter 1

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A man in his 25 was sitting in the court,he can't accept what happened and his parents left this world

The Judge ask him “can you tell us why did you kill your family and a stranger”
After hearing that the man got the flashback how he watched his parents dying and started to tear up and couldn't say anything,
So the judge said “Max Robbert has found guilty for killing his family and a strange and will be in prison for 2 years”
Max still couldn't say anything and have to go to jail
The police handcuffed max and walked out from the room

outside court room there were two women talking about max's murder one lady said “he is so cruel how can he do that to his parents ”
after thinking for some time the other lady replied saying “i wonder what really happened? He seems really sad  too maybe he suffered so much that he couldn't take it anymore? Or maybe he is also just a poor victim we can never say anything without knowing the full backstory ”
Which the lady replied “are you crazy!? I'm sure he killed them and for fun or something that's why he couldn't say a word when the judge  asked him why he did that a total psychopath!”

The other lady replied to it by saying “we don't know what happened to him maybe he killed them maybe he didn't and if he really a psychopath it must be the fault of the people around him the world make people evil the cruel act and words are making people evil if anyone gave them a little love their mental state never would have been like don't you think so?”
To which the lady said “why did you take cardiology department? You should have taken psychology being a psychologist really suits you Liana ...”

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