chapter 3

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-2 years later-

A man who is wearing all black and a mask and cap walks upto the front desk of the hospital and asked a nurse who was by “excuse me may I know who is the cardiologist here”
The nurse replied by saying “it's Liana hellos sir”
The man replied saying “okay thank you ” and booked for the the doctor and waited for him to enter after the patients before him came out he entered there and looked at the beautiful lady sitting there
She said“please take a seat” he sat and don't know what to say he was waiting for this day for 2 years but now that he is here he don't know what to say and what're she will believe him so seeing the panicked look on the patients face Liana asked
“sir please tell me what's wrong” and gave a small smile so max said “i-i want to talk to you alone can please”
Seeing the troubled look on the patient Liana told the nurse to go get some water for her and the nurse left the room
Liana asked “now that we are alone can you tell me about your problem? Sir?” max hesitated but in the end he asked “d-do you remember max? The person who gone to jail because he killed his family?”
Liana was shocked at sudden question since that wasn't what she expecting but answer saying “yes, but why did you ask that?”
For which he replied saying “i'm that max b-but I didn't kill my family I swear to god that I didn't”
Liana was shocked after hearing that confession but she quickly hid the shocked expression after seeing max tearing up and asked him “did you come here to see a cardiology doctor or just to see me?” max panicked but replied saying “i came here to see you”
Liana sighed and said calmly  “please go outside”
Max was sad but Said ok and walked up to the door and was about to open the door but Liana again said “you must have so many things to say if you came here to see me alone i have so many patients left so wait until the I will get off at 7”

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