chapter 4

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“I will get off at 7”
Hearing this max became happy and said “okay! I will wait” he was overwhelmed with so many emotions but he patiently waited for her
Few hours later liana finished her job and walked out from her room and saw max sitting there so she said “let's go I finished I just need to grab my bag ”
Max got up from his seat saying okay and followed her
After grabbing her things they drove to a hotel and ordered food while waiting there was a big silence so max asked “that day you took my side may I know why?”

Liana looked at max and answered saying “because whenever something happens people only thing about one person perspective and blame other without knowing his/her side the same goes for you”
Max said “oh”

There was silence again so this time Liana broke the silence by asking
“did you really kill your parents? And if you did may I ask why?”

Max got a flashback of what happened at that night
He replied her question saying “i didn't kill them but I did accidentally stab the person who killed my family”
Max got home after hanging out with his friends when he opened the door to his house he saw the house is dark there is no light that's unusual so he called out for his mom and sister but no one replied so he turned on the light and was shocked by what he saw
his mother was laying on the floor unconscious and was covered in blood he rushed to his mom and called for her “mom wake up what happened please open your eye mom! Mom! ”
He rushed to his dad's room and saw him laying in his bed covered in blood
He called out for him but no one replied both his parents have already died by blood lose he rushed to his sister and saw a man have stabbed her his sister wasn't dead but she was losing too much blood he tried to fight that man while fighting they have got to the stairs the man tried to stab hin which made him loose balance and fall down he and that man rolled down the stairs

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