Chapter two

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The Moonlit Cloud Hideout was the one thing keeping me afloat. I've been grateful for my sister taking my kids at night so that I can waitress. It's Friday, so the tips are pretty decent. It's band night too, and that usually brings in more guests, and more tips. There's a new group performing. The swell of the crowd inside the bar tells me that they have a decent following.

The darkness of the bar is lit by white twinkling lights around the perimeter. Lanterns glow on the tables scattered about in front of the stage. The stage is at the far end, on the opposite side of the bar and entrance. The Moonlit Cloud is more of a classy place. We rarely have fights or stumbling drunks. It's a mostly tame environment.

"Hey, Nadine. Table nines drinks are ready."

August Michael's and I have been working at the Moonlit Cloud for the last seven years. His long hair is pulled up into a man bun tonight. He slides over the drinks from behind the bar. I meet his gaze, his deep chocolate eyes sparkle from the lights above.

"Thanks, Aug."

I slide the tray and grasp it in my hand. His narrowed eyes hold me in place.

"I'm fine. I promise."

The corner of his lip turns up into a smile, and he goes back to tending to a man at the other end of the bar. August has always looked out for me since the day I started. He's five years older and like the older brother I never had.

The stage lights dim and the scurrying of feet hurry across the wooden platform. I set some drinks down at nine, then go and check on twelve. They have just finished up their dinner. I gather their plates as the band takes their places.

Table twelve is close to the stage. With the plates in my hand, I start to head back to the bar when the lights flicker, and a spotlight shines on the stage. My attention lands on the man standing dead center. Eyes wide I take in the leather jacket. He's not facing the audience. His back is to us. All his focus is on the drummer clicking his sticks together.

His tall familiar frame has piqued my interest. I can't tell if it's his thick black hair or the leather jacket. When he faces front my feet decide to do a little dance and get caught against someone who has their chair sticking halfway out.

I stare into the same golden eyes I looked into this afternoon. My world shifts. The plates in my hands go flying first, followed by me. The band has already started, and Lawson who I'm assuming is supposed to be singing already has completely frozen up.

The plates crash and scatter along the floor. Somehow I land on my hands and knees. A small shard presses into the skin of my finger. I hiss from the pain. The crowd blurs, but I'm still conscious, which I assume is a good thing. The music comes to a stop and two converse sneakers drop down in front of me. Lawson kneels.

"I guess I'm paying it forward by helping you now, huh?"

My cheeks burn at a million degrees, but the amusement dancing around his eyes, and the wiggle of his thick brow cause a tickle in my throat of laughter. Laughter and– oh shit! I try to warn him, but the bile rises before I can. Sometimes when I'm nervous I can't control it. It's up and all over his converse and some of his jeans before I can get a word out.

"Well, it seems I'm not having any luck in the bodily fluids department today."

When I lift my gaze, I'm expecting to see anger heavily ingrained in his features but instead I find the same lopsided grin that I saw moments ago.

"I am so sorry."

August slides up behind Lawson, his dark eyes darting between the two of us.

"You okay, Nadine?"

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