Chapter 10

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Taylor's POV:
I was waiting where Cristiano told me too, he picked me up in his car. "what did u tell him" he asked looking at me "I told him I was getting the train" I said looking at him "good" he said and kept driving. We got to this place I couldn't really tell because it was dark, he parked and got out he came over and opened my door for me "thank u" I said getting out "your welcome" he said closing it behind me. He brought me over to a helicopter "come on" he said taking my hand "you can fly a helicopter" I asked looking at him "no, someone is gonna fly it for us" he said opening the door, I got in.

Our headsets were on and starting to lift off the ground, I grabbed Cristiano's hand "it's ok" he said moving his forwards his waist still holding my hand, I was looking out over everything all the lights looked amazing. An hour and a half later we landed "where are we" it looked different then before so I asked "we are in Barcelona" Cristiano said taking off his headset, I took off mine and undid my seat belt and so did he. We walked over to the car parked next to where we landed (one in the picture) and got in. "where are we going now" I asked looking at him "where ever u want" he said smiling at me. I looked at my phone and there was messages from Lucas,
"Where are u"
"Come love me"
"I just made out with this girl sorry"
"We are over"
"Omg" I said looking at my phone then turning it off "what" Cris asked, I showed him my phone "are u ok" he asked "I just want to go home" I said looking out the window, he nodded his head and drove me home, he came inside with me. Leo and Antonella were watching tv on the couch, I walked passed then and went upstairs. I didn't want to talk to them right now.

Leo's POV:
I watched Taylor walk upstairs and not say a word to me, she didn't even look at me then Ronaldo came in behind her. "What happened" I asked looking at him "Lucas broke up with her" he said in a sort of sad voice but his tone was the same "what why" I said as I started to get up "I'm gonna go talk to her" I said "no, she wants to be alone right now" Antonella said holding my arm, I seen Ronaldo look at his phone then he started to walk to the stairs, I looked back at the tv.

Cristiano's POV:
I walked in her room and closed the door, she was lying on her bed with Lucas's jersey in her hand "what am I gonna do with this" she said flicking it across the room, I sat down next to her "can u stay with me tonight" she asked looking at me "ya sure" I said lying down, she turned to face me and closed her eyes.

When she was sleep I got up and went downstairs "your leaving" Messi asked "ya, I have practice tomorrow so I want to get some sleep in" I said putting on my shoes "oh ok, if I don't see u by Sunday good luck for the game" he said looking at me "thanks" I said looking at my feet "anyway bye" I opened the door "bye" he said and I walked out and closed the door behind me.

I got to practice, I was so tired. "there he is.... what happened to u" James said as I came in "I didn't sleep good last night" I said sitting in front of my locker "where u out last night" he asked "no, I just couldn't sleep" I said looking at him. I changed and started practice, I looked over and seen Lucas with another girl, she was all over him I just shook my head and went on.

"Lucas" I said as we walking back to the locker room "ya" he said turning around "where is Taylor" I asked "idk, I broke up with her" he said "why" I asked "she is into u, as if u didn't already know" he said walking away from me "and no this doesn't do anything to us we are still friends" he said as he went in the room. As I was putting stuff in my bag I called Taylor
Taylor-"hello" she sounded sleepy
"Did I wake u" I said smiling
Taylor-"no, maybe" she laughed a little
"I'm gonna come pick u up ok, I'm just leaving practice"
Taylor-"wait, I thought.... omg I thought u were still here"
"I left when u fell asleep last night, I wanted to get back before I had to leave to get some sleep but that didn't work"
Taylor-"u can sleep for a while when u get here"
"I'll sleep later"
Taylor-"ok, I'll see u when u get here"
"Ok I'm on my way" I hung up
James was looking at me "I'll see u tomorrow for the game" I said smiling at him "alright, don't stay awake all night this time" he said quoting say awake.
Here is today's chapter for u all. If u liked it give it a vote and any comments or question u have put them in the comments :)

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