Let It Rain

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It was poring rain as we walked onto the pitch. My first game back and playing in the rain this couldn't get any better. I got into my position watched the ball come to me when the whistle was blown, the pressure was on and well I guess it wasn't enough cuz I got a goal, I slid on my knees to the left corner and listened to the crowd scream. By the time it was half time we were all drenched in water, I took off my shirt while walking off the pitch.

After the match was over, we went straight home after getting the kids. I put Cristiano to bed, Taylor changed Tory for bed and brought her in our room. "I'm going to take a shower" I said going into the bathroom, she followed me "u played good today"she said going to the sink, she was leaning over the sink, I walked over to her and pulled her hips towards me "how about u bring Tory to her room and wait for me to get a shower then I can show u how good I can really play" I said.

 "I'm going to take a shower" I said going into the bathroom, she followed me "u played good today"she said going to the sink, she was leaning over the sink, I walked over to her and pulled her hips towards me "how about u bring Tory to her room a...

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I came into the room to see her lying on the bed wearing this. "U didn't have to wear anything" I said getting on the bed and crawling up to her "u locked the door right" I asked, she was biting her lip and nodded her head "don't be so shy and cute" I said and turned the lamp off, the room was completely dark. We are both on our knees, standing on the bed, I slowly moved her robe off her shoulder and started to kiss her neck, I took her legs and put them around my waist, after taking her robe off I lied her down.

When I woke up, I went to the bathroom and got cleaned up. "Morning momma" I said putting my arms around Taylor's waist and kissed her neck "good morning to u too" she said putting her hand on my arm "did u sleep good" I asked "for a while but then I got up with Tory" she said "I didn't here her crying" I said getting a glass from the cabinet "she wasn't I just wanted to sit there with her" she said turning the page in the magazine she was looking at "is she awake now" I asked "ya I'm gonna feed her then get her changed and stuff" she said and got down from the chair.

Taylor was feeding Tory when I walked in her room "what are we gonna do when she is all grown up" Taylor said looking up at me "keep her away from boys as long as we can" I said smiling "that is true" she said looking down at Tory "do u want to burp her while I go to the bathroom" she asked putting down her bottle and standing up with her "I would love to" I said taking her.

We spent the day playing with the kids, swimming and playing a little game of football well me and Cristiano played, Taylor was holding Tory and watching us, the ball rolled over to her "babe kick it over" I said looking at her "sure" she said and put Tory down in her little seat, she was standing on the side and kicked the ball, it was up it the air and curved so it went in the net  "siiiiiiiii" I yelled and ran over to Taylor and hugged her "it was pretty good wasn't it" she said.

"Hello gorgeous" I said kissing Taylor and she was straightening her hair "what is it with u lately ur so good" she asked "what do u mean" I asked "ur just so good with the kids, u call me gorgeous and beautiful every time u see me" she said "I have just been in a good mood" I said "was it last night that got u in such a good mood" she asked "maybe" I said leaning over her and putting my arms around her while she was sitting in her chair "well it's good that I make u happy" she said "that's not all that makes me happy" I said moving her hair from her neck, I stopped when I seen the spot on her neck "where did u get that" I asked looking at her in the mirror "that would be from u" she said "well then X marks the spot" I said as I started to kiss her again, she stood up and turned towards me and started to make out with me.

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