Chapter 43

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Taylor wasn't sleeping at all with those contractions u get before u actually go into labor the ones u get way before labor she is 7 months now. "Are u ok" I asked her turning over "ya, I'm just really uncomfortable" she said, I was facing the other way so I took her hand and put it over my waist. I could feel the baby's kicking my back "they really don't want us to go to sleep" I said "I know it's really started to bug me, I wasn't this bad with Tory as I am with these two" she said. I got out of bed when the sun started to come up.

I walked out onto the pitch and started go warm up Taylor was watching us standing next to the paramedics in the player box "I didn't think she was aloud down here" Marcelo asked "we got that covered" I said looking at him "really" he asked "ya Carlo got her a pass for paramedic" I said "is she ok" he asked "oh ya she is finding sitting down hard now like when she had to sit down for a long time" I said and ran up and kicked the ball when it was my turn, I got in the back of the line.

It wasn't my turn to go in yet so I was sitting in a chair with Taylor next to me "are u getting tired yet" I asked her "no not yet" she said fixing my sweater that she was holding so it would cover her stomach "why are u covering ur stomach" I asked "I can't be a pregnant paramedic" she said looking at me "come here" I said pulling her over to sit on my lap "u are gonna get us in trouble" she said, I kissed her and looked back out onto the field.

"Cristiano warm up" our manager said, Taylor got up so I could get up, she sat back in my spot "good luck" she said touching my lower back "just for u" I and went over to warm up, shortly after I was put out onto the field, I started to think about what would happen if I weren't around for my kids and it kind of scared me everything was rushing threw my head until I fell to the ground, I couldn't breath so I rolled over onto my back.

"Are u good" someone asked looking over me, I gasped for air "ya" I said sitting up, the ref came over "what happened "idk all I know is I got the wind knock out of me" I said standing up "are u still good to play" he asked "ya" I said, the guy that knocked me down got a yellow card. I walked to where I am suppose to be and put my hands on my knees for a second then stood back up.

Taylor woke me up by hitting me "wake up" she said "why what's wrong" I asked "I think I'm having the babies" she said trying to sit up "what do I do" I asked getting up "call my doctor, Leo, ur mom just anybody" she said in pain, I started dialling numbers. Before we knew it dr. Reid got here. I am sitting behind Taylor "are u sure u want to do this here" Dr. Reid asked "yes I am sure and I want to do it now" Taylor said looking at her "ok alright then let's do this" she said getting ready. After we got baby A, she got cleaned up and all of that stuff, Taylor leaned back on me with her eyes closed "ur doing great" I said kissing her cheek "I don't think I can do this" she said still with her eyes closed "babe u got to" I said holding her hand, she started to shake her head "do u remember when we were in that helicopter and u took my hand cuz u were scared" I said looking at our hands "ya" she said opening her eyes "alright Taylor are u ready for the next one" Dr. Reid asked "ya" she said putting her head up.

We finally got baby B. After everything that had to be done got done, Taylor took a nap, she was very tired after the labor. She woke up when her brother got here, I took him and Antonella to our room, Taylor was holding both of the girls "what there is two" he said when he seen her "more babies" Antonella said "that's a mean trick" Leo said, I laughed at him. Everybody came by today and they were all so surprised and happy at the same time.

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