New York

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Taylor's POV:
We decided this so quickly but we wanted to got to New York for a weekend. We got on our plane and flew to New York, I have never flown in the night and looking down over all the lights was amazing "these lights are so pretty" I said looking at Cris "ya they are but ur more pretty then that" he said smiling then kissing me "aww ur so sweet" I said after he kissed me.

We landed in NY and got a car to our hotel. "Would u like to take a walk" Cris asked "I would love to" I said. He held to door for me as we walked out of the hotel. There was lots of lights everywhere "what are we going to do tonight" I asked "I'm not sure what would u like to do" he said looking at me "Central Park" I said looking at him "sure that sounds like a good idea" he said and we stopped a cab and went to the park. "So if this is only a weekend trip where are we going next weekend" I said looking at Cris and laughed a little "wherever ur heart desires" he said smiling.

We got out and started to walk as we were walking I looked up at a hotel "do you remember that hotel" I asked "no why" he said "that is the hotel from the movie Home Alone 2" I said looking at it "I never watched that movie or movies" he said "ur joking right" I said looking at him "no I have honestly never seen any of those movies before" he said taking my hand again "well I know what we have to do when we get home" I said as I started to walk again.

I started to get to cold so we went back to the hotel. "We can watch those movies tonight if u would like" he said as we walked into our room "that sounds fun, we can order and ice cream cart and a bunch of candy and just eat junk food all night" I said and Cris looked at me with a crazy look on his face "no way, I can't do that" he said laughing a little "ok well can we get ice cream then u can eat that right" I asked "just this once won't hurt" he said smiling.

We got in bed well I did Cris waited for the room service to come. The room service came and I went over to the ice cream cart "this is all for us" I said looking at Cris with wide eyes "I'm guessing so" he said picking up a spoon. I got mine and got back in bed and waited for Cris so I could play the movie "hurry up" I said "I'm sorry but there is just so much to pick from" he said brining over his ice cream and got in bed, I moved over closer to him, he put his arm around me.

Cristiano's POV:
After watching the first movie and having two bowls of ice cream, Taylor was asleep, I turned the tv off and turned off the light. "Wait we gotta watch the next movie" Taylor said half asleep "we can watch it tomorrow" I said kissing her cheek "ok" she said and went back to sleep. I couldn't sleep from being jet legged, the only reason I hate flying anywhere. I just lied here thinking about what it is gonna be like when I take Taylor to my family Christmas dinner, my family is something.

When Taylor moved I woke up "good morning" she said looking up at me "good morning" I said kissing her "what happened last night did u watch the movie" she asked "ya I did but u went to sleep half way threw" I said "aww really must have been all the ice cream or me just being tired in general" she said "maybe, what did u want to do today" I asked "I'm not sure but we leave tomorrow don't we" she said "ya sadly we do but we can make the best out of it today" I said and kissed her.

Today was all in all a good day, we went to Time Square and did some shopping, got mobbed by a group of people and then did some site seeing. When we got back to the hotel we went for some dinner and came back, my mom called to see when we would be getting back. "I'm going to take a shower" Taylor said "let me join u" I said "sure why not" I would love for u to wash my hair "maybe I'll just chill here" I said "I'm kidding" she said and waited for me.

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