Chapter 2

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A/N: I've had 2 votes, so as promised...

*Fred's POV*

As me and George were celebrating, I stole a glance at mum and saw she was reading one of the letters herself. I stopped and nudged George, then nodded in her direction. Mum must of noticed that we had stopped singing because she looked up, and as she did so I noticed tears of happiness sliding down her cheeks. Wow.

My mother is actually proud of me for once. I know it sounds a bit harsh, but mum has only ever been proud of me four times at the maximum before. One of those times was when I first learnt how to ride a broomstick, another my first sign of magic. I zoned back into reality and found myself being engulfed in a hug. "Mum...let...go...can't...breathe..."

"Oh sorry George dear." I frowned at her.

"Mum I'm Fred, not George."

"Oh, sorry dear. Come on now, we need to get going, if we're lucky we can get going to Diagon Ally now. Go on, make sure everyone is ready. I'll postpone the visit to your Aunt's until next week, or whenever they're free." She smiled at mine and George's backs as we went to round everyone up.

*Molly's POV*

As they went I smiled. I just couldn't believe that my little Freddie and Georgie were going to Hogwarts! I grabbed two pieces of parchment, ink and a quill and wrote:

"Dear Arthur,

Guess what? Fred and George got letters today and they're going to Hogwarts! I just can't belive how quickly the children grow up. How's work? What time do you think you'll be home at? We are going to Diagon Ally and should be back at about "

I looked at the clock, it was 9:15. It would probably take about 4-5 hours to get everything. I continued the letter

"2:15 PM. See you later dear,

Molly xxx"

I re-read it then when I was sure it was okay, put the parchment in an envelope, wrote on the front:





I attached the envelope to Errol's, leg then sent him off.

Next, I picked up the second piece of parchment and wrote:

Dear McGonagall,

Fed and George definitely accept your invitation to go to Hogwarts,

I was about to sign it when I realised that perhaps George and Fred would like to write their replies themselves. I magicked the parchment clear.

"Fred, George,do you want to write your replies? Remember, you can't go to Hogwarts if you don't send the reply back by the 30th of July!" They are certainly going to be very good at apperating, because as soon as those last words were out of my mouth, they appeared behind me, without making any noise. They looked at each other and nodded. I don't like it when they look at each other and nod, it means that they're up to something.

"Gimme the parchment!" They cried together and as they did so, they ripped the parchment exactly in half. Well, I guess I should have known - just because they're going to Hogwarts, it doesn't mean they won't be immature! Without further ado, they ran up the stairs, leaving me shaking my head to myself.

*George's POV*

"We'll be back in a minute mum." Me and Fred both said. Then we went back upstairs, yelled "EVERYONE GET DOWNSTAIRS NOW, MUM IS WAITING SO THAT WE CAN GO TO DIAGON ALLY!" before running into our room and each wrote a reply, making sure it was exactly the same as the other's (except for the first name). This is what mine read:

Dear Professor McGonagall,

I, George Weasley, accept Hogwarts' acceptance of me.
Thank you.

Yours sincerely,

George Weasley.

Fred's looked exactly the same, apart from the first name though (obviously).

There was a loud banging on the door, "Guys! Come on, mum's waiting for your letters so that she can send them then go!" The voice could be identified as Ron's. We came out of our room, then hurried down the stairs, were about to shove the parchments in a separate envelopes when mum told us to put them into the same envelope, to save the amount we use. Mum obviously wanted to read the replies, to make sure they were appropriate, but we just ignored the gesture and sent them both back with one of the school owls. Mum looked at us, then shook her head, ushered us all, one-by-one, into the fire and before we knew it, we were at Diagon Ally.

*Fred's POV*

It was amazing as ever. Everywhere we looked there was colour. It was a bright and cheerful place with happy people scattered across the cobbled pathway. We followed it round until we reached the large, marble building, which is quite possibly the safest place there could be - Gringotts.


A/N : Okay so I know this chapter is really, really, really short, but I promise you that the next one will be extra long to make up for it. Any ideas for the next chapter? If your idea(s) is/are used you will get a dedication and if you want, but ONLY if you want, advertisement for a/some story/stories on my page ( the amount of your ideas that get used will be the maximum number of story's that I will advertise). You can PM me for ideas or just comment. Next chapter should hopefully be up soon, depending on if I get the time, because I'm back at school, but come on, it's not really that hard to click that little button, the one with 'vote' on it, is it? Too lazy to be bothered to write the wrest of the author's note.

~ gred_forge4ev4

P.S Feedback is required for any book, so please help me to improve my work!

Although I love all comments, I lie constructive criticism the best!

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