Chapter 16 ~ George

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Chapter 16 - George

At last, Dumbledore stood up.
"I believe Mr Fred Weasley, Mr Lee Jordan, and Mr George Weasley have something to say, to er, 'spread the cheer'." Many cowered at these words. Stupid peasants.

"HAPPY HALLOWEEN!" We yelled in unison, and the spells took a moment to react and ouch one another, but as the confused faces finally settled, the sweets and chocolate started falling. People, realising what it was, started to collect it, before remembering who 'delivered' it. "RELAX! Merlin's beard, people are so stupid, it's harmless!" Still looking un-assured, I grabbed a chocolate frog which had timingly landed on my plate. "LOOK, I'll eat his to prove it to you, it really is just free food." I bit into the frog, tearing off its head.

People waited and watched, expecting something to happen. When nothing did, the fight over food began. I swear, it was all gone in a matter of seconds.

[Time skip to the 12th December]

After the Halloween feast, we were pretty much heroes for the school - it wasn't often that people hand out free food for the sake of it. But it was now nearing the end of November, and with it, the end of Autumn. Winter was fast approaching, and the bitter air proved so. Me, Lee, and Fred were the coolest kids in school, and we couldn't help but get used to the lifestyle.

Sure, 'first years' and 'popular' are two words that don't normally mix, but we aren't normal. Lee had been adopted into another group of Gryffindor first years but we were still the number one adoptive 'parents' that he had. By that, I mean he hung out with us more. Anyway, he was off with them for the morning, so me and Fred decided to let off some of the stock of dung bombs that we had. In an empty corridor, we let of a couple, running away, and luckily not getting caught. We repeated this around the ancient place, running away at the sight of Prefect or teacher, or any other student who might be a spoil-sport and snitch on us.

We let off the dung bomb, and dived into another corridor, running off at full speed around the castle.
"Uh oh..." I heard Fred from behind me, "Here comes Filch."

All to soon, after trying many different tactics I get away, the Devil had caught us both, and was threatening us.
"Ahh, I've been waiting to do this a long time... But which method to punish you with, eh? Hmmm, disembowelment? Whipping? Hang you by your wrists, and leave you there?" he continued with the likes, leading us towards his office. Once inside, he was trying to find a piece of parchment, probably the approval of a punishment or something. That was when we saw it: a draw labelled "Confiscated and Highly Dangerous". I looked at Fred as he looked at me. We nodded, and I let off another dung bomb. I had the chance to see it open quickly, and Fred's hand to dip in and back out, the specimen of renewed ownership hazy in the murky green smoke filled with an atrocious smell.

We ran out before he could catch us, and tore off towards the common room. I panted the password (Mandrake), out of breath from all the running, and we went to our dormitory. Fred lay down a very old looking piece of parchment.

We stared at it, almost willing it to reveal the cause for it living in Filch's "Confiscated and Highly Dangerous" draw. At long last, I tried prodding it with my wand, and long, curved writing appeared on it, as if an invisible hand was writing on it.
"Mr Prongs does not like his most treasured artefact being prodded and poked like that.."
"Mr Padfoot agrees with Mr Prongs, and would like to add that he finds it disrespectful, and downright rude."
"Mr Moony would like to know why it is that someone prodded this creation, and wether they even deserve to view this item, which most would treasure."
"Mr Wormtail agrees whole-heartedly with Mr Moony, and wonders if it is a pair of goody-two shoes, prying in other's possessions."

We stared at it amazed, then at each other, than back to the parchment.
"I, Fred Weasley, swear that I am not a goody-two shoes, and that I'm a well know trouble maker." Fred said, tapping the parchment lightly with his wand.

The parchment erased the current writing, and was instead replaced with new words:
"Mr Prongs wonders how solemnly Mr Weasley swears upon being a wrong-doer."
"Mr Padfoot would like to know how much of a trouble maker Mr Weasley is."
"Mr Moony wonders wether Mr Weasley really is up to no good, or wether he is trying to trick us into spilling our secrets."
"Mr Wormtail agrees, and so shall say no more than a simple 'goodbye'. Goodbye."

We puzzled over it a bit, before trying a different combination of words. And this new sentence, although we didn't know it, was a sentence to be repeated for many, many years onwards. One that would be the cause of many a prank, nighttime stroll, sneak visit to Hogsmeade, and result in the catching of a criminal, well it would lead people to catch a criminal. That wouldn't be for years though, and we didn't know that yet. The sentence would lead to a new era of pranking, and this one would be know for years, decades - centuries even! We said 10 words. Tapping the parchment lightly with our wands, together we said:

"I solemnly swear that I am up to no good."

Fred and George at Hogwarts - Year 1 - [ON HOLD]Where stories live. Discover now