Chapter 8

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A million voices and questions, answers, and possibilities as to whom this mystery person was were running - sprinting - around my head. Who was it? Why? Dumbledore? Professor McGonagall? An Aunt or Uncle, here as a surprise visit to see us off? Grandma? Grandad? Some posh wizard or witch from another pure blood family? Fred playing another joke on us - no, he doesn't know how to see into people's memories. Percy, for some thing or another that we've done? No, he wouldn't do that. A dark wizard? It seemed to take forever and back for the words to leave the imposter's mouth. At last, letters poured out, falling into the moulds of words set for them.

"I am Lucius Malfoy. I am 37 years old, and work for no one, but the love of my family. I am here because you filthy, slimy blood traitors need to be pruned from our family tree. You are plaguing my son's family, like fleas on rats. You are a disgrace to our kind. I thought I could scare the little boy, make him not want to go to Hogwarts, make the entirety of the Wizarding world see you for what you are - a bunch of muggle lovers, who deserve to be squibs. I -" dad decided to cut him off.

"Alright, that's enough, we didn't ask for your opinions' biography. Now. You have been caught trying to impersonate an 11 year old, to infiltrate our family -"

"Merlin," I thought, "dad's making it sound like one of those muggle spy or - whatever, one of those movies where someone has to get into the bad guys' lair, and find out what they're up to so that they can stop them."

"- and 'prune us from your family tree', so I'm assuming that means kill us?" Malfoy nodded. "In that case, Molly, tie him up, make sure he can't escape, George, go to Bill's room, you'll have to share with him, I'll go and contact the Aurors." We all nodded, and traipsed off so that we could do as he said.

"In fact... George, can you come with me please? I'd like a word..."

"Um, sure dad."

"Now son, I know we've never been all emotional or whatever, but are you okay? It must be pretty weird for you to find out that your twin has been impersonated." I shrugged in reply.

"I'm okay I guess, just wondering... Dad...?"

"Yes son?"

"Um... Where's real Fred? Shouldn't we find him?"

"Oh dear Merlin! Your right! Okay, try to find him, look everywhere. Then, go to Bill's room. How could I... Okay, quickly, please?"

"Sure." With that, I got up and darted out of the room, and started looking for my brother. I looked a absolutely everywhere that I could think of, that Fred could be - where would I put a small boy who I was gonna impersonate, if I need him to stay alive and not be able to escape?

I was in the garden - still with no inkling as to where my mirror image could be - when it hit me. One of dad's muggle disc things. Like a fanged frisbee, but without the fangs. Attached was a note, that was written in what I immediately recognised as my brother's scrawl. It read:

Help me! Some blondie came up to me and bound me up with a spell. I've managed to free my hands which were handcuffed with some rope, but I can't escape.

Look up and around, and you should see me. The guy took some hairs from me, so I think he's gonna impersonate me. Find him quickly, and tell mum and dad.

Please help,


I looked around, and just spotted a lock of flaming red hair, that stood out from the dark green leaves surrounding a branch that belonged to one of the large oak trees. I hurried to the broom shed, and grabbed my comet three sixty. I took of, the feeling of the wind rushing through my hair, making me feel alive once more. I don't know what I'll do when I no longer get to play Quidditch at Hogwarts.

I shot of through the air, and rushed towards the large tree that held my brother captive. I landed amid the leaves, and saw my dear twin immediately. I somehow got him onto the broom, and flew back to the garden, landing, if I do say so myself, rather gracefully. I put the broom back into the shed, then, after unsuccessfully trying to unbind him, I somehow managed to get him upstairs, and to my father who unbound him at once.

"Th-th-thanks. ACHOOO! Oh d-d-dear M-Merlin, it w-was f-f-f-freezing out there." When dad gave me a questioning look, I realised that he didn't know where I found Fred.

"I found him in one of the big oak trees. I saw his hair, and used my broom to fly to him, and get him back to the ground safely." Mum, who heard me telling dad this, looked absolutely horrified.

"B-but you must be so cold! Here, I'll get you some hot chocolate. Maybe you should have one too George, for the shock." She bustled off downstairs, and came back a few minutes later. "Oh! I've just realised!" She did a spell on Fred, and you could see the colour returning to his was-pale face. I guess it was a heating charm that warms you up, 'cause Fred looked a lot better, and could talk properly, white out stuttering from the cold.

"Well, I better get him," dad nodded his head to Lucius Malfoy, who was still tied up and bound in the corner of he room, "to the ministry. No doubt he'll try to persuade them that he's innocent, but I can use my memory as evidence." He leaned forward, and whispered "he'll probably pay them off, and be pleaded innocent, but at least they'll know that he isn't as good as he seems." With that, dad took hold of Malfoy, and apperated away.

We drank our hot chocolates, then mum sent us to bed, after all, it was an early start, and we had to be at the station, and on the train by 11, as that's when the train leaves. We both climbed into bed, and mum tucked us both up, like she would when we were little.

"Night mum." I muttered as I felt myself drifting into sleep.

"Night George. Night Fred. Sleep tight, don't let the doxies bite." She kissed us each on the forehead, then turned of the lights and left, closing the door behind her.

As I felt sleep glide closer and closer towards me, I could faintly hear Fred's snores fill the room, and before I knew it, I too, was in a deep, deep sleep, dreaming of what Hogwarts would be like, and of all the pranks me and Fred would play.

In what felt like no time time at all, I felt mum shake my shoulders, awakening me.

"Whaaaa'? I slurred, unsure as to what the time was, and why mum would awaken me so early.

"Come on Fred, George, it's time to get up. You've overslept. The Hogwarts express leaves in an hour and a half. Get dressed, and breakfast will be on the table." She left, and I sat up, looking at Fred. He looked back at me.

Simultaneously, we got up, dressed and went downstairs, to where breakfast was awaiting us. I had only one thought in my head: I'm going to Hogwarts.


A/N: There! So, the impersonator of Fred is revealed! This is why Arthur and Lucius despise each other so much - Arthur 'cause obviously Lucius impersonated his son! just to bring his family down; Lucius 'cause as well as the reasons he listed, Arthur exposed him as he really is to the Ministry.

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