Chapter 4

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*Fred's POV*

The next morning, we got up, got dressed, and had breakfast, then sorted out teams for the quidditch match. In the end, me, George, and Ron were on a team, versus Bill, Charlie, and Percy. So, in other words, it was the three eldest vs the three youngest (not including Ginny). Because we were doing 3-a-side, we were doing 1 chaser, 1 keeper, and 1 beater. In the end, my team won, because we are just that amazing. We won 150-80, and the game end because it was time for lunch.

Afterwards, we did a wizard chess championship. It went like this:

Ginny vs Ron,

Then me vs George,

Then Charlie vs Bill (Percy didn't want to play),

Then the winner of Ginny and Ron's match against the winner of my and George's match,

Then the winner of that against Charlie and Bill's.

Winners of each match:






That's right, I AM THE 'WEASLEY WIZARD CHESS CHAMPION'! Yes, we even came up with a title for it beforehand. Right now, I'm going round the house singing a muggle song at the top of my voice, called 'we are the champions' I think it's by a band called King, or Queen or something, whatever, anyway I changed it to say I am the champion.

"Yes, yes WE GET IT! You won the chess championships, but PLEASE just SHUT UP!" I swirled around, to see a red faced Percy in my face.

I took a step back.

"Alright, alright, Perce, was I interrupting your weekly session of book arranging-"

"YES, YOU WERE! WAS AT G, WHEN YOU'RE SCREECHING INTERRUPTED ME, AND I MESSED THE WHOLE THING UP!" God I was joking, didn't realise that he actually did have a weekly session of book arranging! What a saddo!

"I am sincerely, very sorry about that, but don't you think that was a bit harsh? I mean I wasn't SCREECHING, more of... displaying what I was feeling in a loud manor. This is screechi-"

"JUST SHUT UP!" He lowered his voice "or I will tell mum that it was you and George who stole most of the floo powder, and her soap." He smirked at my horror-struck expression.

"Y-y-you wouldn't! Besides which, we didn't steal that stuff, we simply... borrowed it, and forgot to return it."

To be fair, we only "borrowed" them because we wanted to see if it would be possible to make the two compatible, so that you could touch the soap, and say where you wanted to go, so that in a way it was like a floo-portkey. It was a work in progress, and it was currently at the point where it would take you about three-quarters of the way to your destination, of course we were only able to test it inside The Burrow, and couldn't really go anywhere, so couldn't really test it properly. But the good thing is that you can reuse it, again, and again, and again. You may be wondering how we managed to do that, since we haven't learnt any spells yet, but the answer's simple really - we managed to control, and combine our accidental magic.

Anyways, back to the story...

"Oh I so will, and you know it! Now just shut up, some of us are trying to concentrate!" I was shocked at Percy's little outburst, I mean sure, he's a stuck up, bossy, neat-freak, thing, but that was just... so... un-Percy ish. I was just about to comeback, when he was saved by mum calling out that dinner was ready. I quickly scurried down the stairs, and took my usual place by George.

Mum had worked wonders on dinner tonight, it was a full out roast, with Yorkshire puddings, roast chicken (obviously) (a/n: you have to read obviously in a Snape voice.) , roast vegetables, Brussels, gravy, all of it. I was half wondering why she had gone to such trouble for dinner, and the only conclusion I could draw up was that there was a guest that was coming round, which mum had conveniently forgotten to tell us.

"Mummy, when will he-" mum cut Ginny off with a glare, and I noticed that she pointed her head in my, and I assumed also George's direction. Ginny's face was sheepish, but then it turned... almost... wondering where this person was. The others looked just as wondering as Ginny, and I couldn't help but wonder why mum wouldn't tell us that someone was coming round.

It was then that my imagination began to run wild. Maybe... maybe it could be someone telling us that they had a contract for us to sign about the few inventions we already have, as well as our ideas...? Nah, mum wouldn't like that. She wants us to have boring jobs, in boring offices, which would just never work for us - I know for a fact that I just can't sit still, and Georgie-Pie has the same problem. I knew that that was highly unlikely, and we probably just hadn't been told about who it was, so that we wouldn't be able to plan any pranks to play on him/her/them. I glanced at George as well, to see what he seemed to make from it all. To my surprise, he was wearing the same expression as the others. Just then, I caught his eye, but for some reason, he looked away Great, it looked like even my twin knew who this mystery person is.

Who could it be? Is good news? Is it bad news? Why didn't George tell me? What is it the person/people want? Is it more than one person? Why is it that I'm literally the only one who doesn't know? Why is it that no one told me? With all these questions circling round, and round my head like a drill, you can hardly blame me for being curious when a knock came from the door...


Where is he? I could of sworn he was supposed to be here by now. I hope Fred doesn't think to much about Ginny's slip-up. I looked at him from the corner of my eye, to see him looking at me, deep in thought. Thanks Ginny, thanks a lot... And as if things couldn't get worse, Fred caught my eye, with a questioning look in his own. I obviously had to break the eye contact, so I looked away. He's just gonna love that. Just on cue, there came a knock from the door, he was here at last, and Fred will soon have all his questions answered...


I FINALLY UPDATED!!! So who do you think this mysterious person is? Ginnys slip-up confirms the gender, I case you missed that out. So what do you think? Good? Bad? Like it? Hate it? Polite criticism is always welcome! I'm gonna do this thing, where the first person to comment, and give feedback will get a advertisement on any of their stories, it will be the same for all my stories, so get commenting! Also, please check out my other stories, Falling For a Weasley, and No One Like You (A Drapple Fanfic)! Thanks for reading!


P.S Feedback is required for any book, so please help me to improve my work!

Although I love all comments, I lie constructive criticism the best!

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