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"New student...."

"Hi! I'm Takemichi nice
To meet you all~~"




???? POV




The class has already started, and a tall tan boy with blue hair, a scar on his mouth was bored sitting on his room chair.

He yawn.

'im still sleepy.....'
He thought.

But then the last bell of the school rang. And he knows that class will be start any second.

While he was on his thoughts he didn't notice that the girls are whispering about him and not just the girls but also some of the boys.

Admiring the sleepy guy.

"Look at how's he yawn~ he might wake up too early~"
A girl whisper to her friend who nob at what she said.

"Hey babe, do you think if I cut my hair just like his.... Would it fit me?"
A boy ask his girlfriend.

The girlfriend said, earning a disappointed face on his bf....

"My gosh, his handsome today too~!"
Another girl said to her group of friends. Who earned a nob from her friends.

"Wow, I know that we always saw him every time but dayumn.... His tall!"
A boy talked to his group of male friends.

"Yeah, I wonder why didn't he joined the basketball club..."
The other friend said, then all of his friends look at him.
Not just his friends but all the people in the room.

Except from the boy they're talking about, as he was in his deep thought.

"Geez you don't know?"
Ask one of the girls.

The boy Answered and ask them.

Then all of them look at each other before the other girl walk towards him and Whisper.

"His in Model Club."
The girl said. The boy was Shocked. Well it's not like it's a bad things cuz it actually suit him... But for the boys when it's come to height....

The blue boy height was surely for basketball.

"Eh?~ why?"
The boy ask but the girl just smiled and said.

"Because, Prince-sama is the sewing club~"


All of the students in the room was already in their chair and was listening to the teacher.

"Now. In general, there are two types of Thinking in philosophy...."
The teacher Continue to lecture while the blue hair boy before was staring at the window.

"..... That is Holistic and Partial."
The teacher then stop lecturing and write something on the black board.

While still lecturing.

".... Holistic Thinking refers to a perspective that consider large-scale patterns in system......"
The teacher stop when he heard that someone was knocking in the door.

And that hit him. Oh, how did he Forgot that a new boy transfer was assigned to him.

"Ahem! Class be quiet for a while..."
He said, then all of the students look at him confused.

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