Chapter 15

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Chapter 15

Lauren's POV:

(30 minutes before)

When Brad came up to me and asked to show me something Camila had just gone to get a drink with Normani. Brad was clearly intoxicated and his eyes were glossed over and bloodshot, making me think that he was probably high as well. I decided to go with him anyways, I don't know what he wanted to show me but he's my friend so I had no reason to not trust him.

"Where are we going?" I shouted over the music as he walked me up the stairs.

"Showing you what you're missing out on."

I didn't question it because I was so tipsy that I had to focus on walking up the stairs so I wouldn't fall.

"What do you mean by that?" I asked as he opened up a door to a dark room.

"I'm showing you all you could have if you weren't a fucking lesbian!" He shouted, before I could question him I was pushed into the room brutally.

"What the fuck Brad?!" I shouted as he walked past me and flicked on a lamp. I crawled to the door as best I could, I had hit my head when Brad pushed me into the room.

"Not so fast" someone said as they blocked the door. I looked up. It was Austin.

"Get the fuck out of my way!" I yelled as I stood up.

"Don't even fucking think about it!" Brad yelled from behind me as Austin grabbed me and basically threw me onto the bed and pinned me down to prevent me from moving. "You're not leaving here until you want me." It was then that I realized his words were slurred, and how drunk he was, not that that's an excuse.

"C'mon Brad let's bone this pussy" Austin said as he stood up and started to unbutton his jeans. They must have seen the fear written all over my face because they started laughing hysterically. Brad went to the other side of the room and opened a drawer and Austin was paying no attention to me at that moment. I would have run, but I was scared they'd do worse to me, and with how dizzy and nauseous I was feeling, I probably wouldn't have made it far.

Brad came back over to me holding a rope. My eyes widened as I crawled to the opposite side of the bed. He laughed again.

"Don't even bother trying to get away darling," Austin said.

"Don't fucking call me that" I said angrily through gritted teeth. Austin smacked me across the face with so much force that I don't know how I managed not to cry out.

"Don't fucking talk!" He yelled in my face. I started shaking violently, I didn't know how much longer I could go without crying, my chin started wobbling.

"Aww Brad look, she's scared" Austin said sarcastically.

"Aww don't be scared" Brad said as he stroked my cheek with his thumb. I spit right in his face. He became furious, wiped his face and stood up. "Austin." He said, which apparently instructed Austin to slap me in the face again and punch me in the gut. I winced and curled up into a ball as tears rolled down my cheeks.

Brad came back over to me and pinned my arms down behind my head. "Pull something like that again, and it will be your worst nightmare. Got it?" I nodded with my face still scrunched and tucked into my knees and chest. Brad go off of me. "Take her clothes off" he told Austin.

"What is he your bitch?" I said, which wasn't a wise decision. This time, Austin punched me in the gut and then in the face. I became very dizzy. Someone started taking my clothes off, and I was too weak to resist.

"No baby, you're my bitch" I knew it was Brad because of his accent, which I from then on found repulsive. I don't remember everything after that. At some point my hands were tied together on the bedpost, the light went off, and they both put their.. well..  "cocks" as they called it, in my mouth and instructed me to suck, which I was basically incapable of doing at that time. I'm pretty sure that they "fucked" me at some point, but left my underwear on.

Suddenly a dull light came into the room, and I instantly recognized the familiar face, but she didn't seem to see me. I somehow managed to yell her name.

Camila's POV:

I rushed into the room and to Lauren as Austin and Brad rush out of the room, pulling up their pants.

"What did they do to you?!" I shouted as I tried to untie the rope from Lauren wrists. I found a lamp and turned it on so I could see better. She had bruises everywhere and blood on the side of her head, as well as swelling on her right cheek. I was shaking so much that I could hardly untie her, but I did. "It's gonna be okay baby, it's gonna be okay. I'm here now. I'm so sorry. Shhh." She was shaking violently in my arms and sobbing. "Come on let's get out of here okay?" She looked at me and nodded lightly. I grabbed her clothes and helped her put them on carefully and guided her down the stairs. She hid her face in my neck as we walked through the crowds.

I saw Ally near the door and told her to get Normani and Dinah and that I'd explain later. She could tell it was an emergency because she saw Lauren. I walked her out of the house and she collapsed when we got to the curb and sat down. I sat with her and held her close. I'm going to call campus security and they'll call the police and get an ambulance okay? It's all going to be okay. Those assholes will get what's coming to them.

I was on the phone when Ally, Normani and Dinah came rushing out and to our side. I was crying hard while speaking to security on the phone. The girls were questioning what happened, but listened to what I was saying and put the pieces together.

"Okay, thanks." I said, and hung up the phone. "They'll be here in a few minutes."

"Who the fuck did this to you?! I'll find them and kill them!" Dinah shouted. Ally and Normani were speechless. Lauren tucked her head in between her knees and started shaking and crying even more violently than before. I held her tighter and mouthed "Austin and Brad" to the girls.

"I'm going to find them!" Dinah yelled and started to walk away, but Normani and Ally stopped her. Ally Sat next to Lauren and held her as well and told her it would be okay. Dinah and Normani said on the deserted street in front of Lauren.

Campus security showed up and waited with us until the police and an ambulance showed up. I went with Lauren to the hospital and the girls took a taxi. They stayed with me in the waiting room as I tried to stop crying. When I finally did stop crying I started shaking. They rubbed my back and comforted me until the doctor said that I could see her. I walked into her room and luckily she was asleep.

"She has a mild concussion as well as severe bruising and swelling. We performed a full rape kit on her and luckily neither of the men had any sexually transmitted diseases. Also, they did not ejacualte inside of her either, so she is most likely not pregnant. We'd like to keep her overnight, and possibly tomorrow night depending upon her condition. I also have a list of some psychiatrists. She's going to need one after all she went through tonight." Her doctor informed me, she seemed extremely understanding, but concerned as well.

"Thank you so much doctor," she smiled and nodded as if to say 'you're welcome' and exited the room. I pulled a chair up next to her and took her hand in mine carefully. Tears started to fall down my cheeks. "I'm so sorry this happened to you Lauren. I am so sorry. I promise I'm going to make it better." A few minutes passed as I sat there, looking at her bruised body. I put my head down on top of our joined hands for a moment.

"Camila?" A groggy voice choked out quietly. I looked up at her almost desperately. "Hi" she said.

"Hey. How are you doing?"

"Pretty shitty."

"I'm so sorry," I said.

"Don't be. Can you do me a favor?"

"Of course. Anything."

"Can you call my parents in the morning?"

"Yeah of course. Do you want them to come see you?" I asked. She nodded.

"And Chris and Taylor, if possible. My whole life kind of flashed before my eyes. I need to see them."

"I'll tell them" I smiled softly. "The girls are here too, do you want to see them?" She nodded and then closed her eyes. I grabbed my phone and texted Dinah, then rejoined our hands.

"Will you hold me?" She asked, sounding like she was holding back tears. I stood and carefully lifted the sheets and crawled into the bed with her as she came into my embrace. I could tell how hard she was trying to not start crying. The girls came into the room and sat around us, no one knowing what to say.

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