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Kit strolled through the dark halls, his ears flicking back and forth on high alert for any sounds of approaching footsteps.

He'd already passed by three scientists, two guards and a postman. None of which payed him any mind. It was too early for anyone else to be up, and even Kit was finding it hard to keep his eyelids from drooping.

"How much longer?" a voice whined in his ear, instantly kicking his mind back into wakefulness.

"Not much longer," Kit whispered, glancing down an adjoining hall before turning left, "Quit your whining."

A tiny huff and a hardly audible mumbling could be heard from the communication device tucked inside his ear. The voice apparently not willing to argue at the moment.

Kit was glad for the silence, his senses scanning his surroundings for any possible dangers.

Eventually he came across a hall, lined on each side by windows embedded with a chain link mesh; a cheap way out of buying legitimate bullet proof glass. Though, Kit would admit, the glass would at least stop anyone physically trying to brute force their way into the rooms beyond.

Behind the glass, were dark rooms, completely unoccupied at the moment. Tall, whirring machinery sat idling against the walls, their lights blinking on and off as the processors spun to life. The box-like machines were protected by a heavy duty plastic, and long desks stood in rows in front of them. Black wires attached the machines to ports propped on the desks, leading to computer like devices with curving black screens.

No one was there.

Kit turned to one of the doors, turning its handle with a resounding click. The door opened silently, and Kit glanced up and down the empty hall before stepping inside, closing the door behind him with yet another jarring click.

His eyes scanned the rows of desks and lifeless screens before picking one farther back to the right. Relatively out of sight from the doorway, and a place he assumed would be least conspicuous.

Hurrying his way to the port, he sat himself down in the swivel chair, the wheels rumbling as he slid up to the desk in one smooth motion. With a flourish he clicked the power button, a green light at the top of the screen blinking on.

He waited for the screen to light up, bathing his face in blue hues.

A code bar popped up, requiring a password. Kit typed it in, almost rolling his eyes at how easy it was.

"You'd think they'd at least make me hack it," he muttered.

"What was that?" The voice over the intercom asked teasingly, "Don't tell me you're bored out there playing undercover cop!"

Kit didn't respond, watching as the screen notified him to several different running programs as well as a tab requesting him to wait patiently while it fully connected to G.U.P database.

"Because that's certainly not how I would feel. But hey! You could stay back here if that'd help!"

"We both know that's not an option."

Silence. Then a suspicious,
"Do we...?"

"Well I do. And I've tried to tell you. So it's not my fault if you haven't been listening."

"Yeesh... Someone needs their coffee..."

Kit didn't respond, but an amused smile tempted the corner of his muzzle.

A long sigh in his ear. "Will it be much longer now??"

"Be patient, I'm connecting to the main server."

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