Heart of a Hero

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Silver inhaled deeply. The air felt cool, refreshing. A deep sense of peace filled his heart as he walked ever deeper into the expansive, white landscape.

It didn't occur to him to wonder where he was, or what he was doing there. He was simply content to exist. So exist he did.

A strange sound rippled into the silence and his ear twitched towards it automatically. His head followed the motion, curiosity pulling him towards the source of the noise.

He proceeded forward. Was he even walking? Or was he just floating in this vast expanse of nothingness?

Curious to know the answer he looked down at his feet and was shocked to see a pair of boots covering his usually bare appendages. They were beautiful too, black, and teal, and polished. He'd never seen them before in his life and yet their presence felt natural, as if he'd worn them since birth.

A sparkle of gold and his eyes flew to his hands. He let out a short gasp at the soft, clean gloves pulled over his hands, their centers displaying his cyan marks with blatant pride. Even more startling than the brazenly displayed marks were the shining golden cuffs that seemed to keep his spotless gloves locked in place. He turned his wrists, eyeing the cuffs with fascination. A cyan line, etched into the middle of the cuff, glowed warmly at him, matching the marks emblazoned into the gloves.

Another noise, this time terrible and mind bending, screeched through the void. Silver covered his sensitive ears, grimacing in pain and praying that the glass-shattering sound would stop.

When it did he opened his eyes to find that his white surroundings had changed to pitch black, the darkness threatening to swallow him whole.

He lifted his eyes to look upon the only light that was dimly cast upon him and felt his body seize, freezing in place.

A colossal creature, with bone-like wings extending from its back, loomed in front of him. Its hulking frame took up most of the black space surrounding it and Silver felt as though the creature were swallowing reality itself.

The massive creature reared, extending its wings and casting eerie shadows around Silver's tiny form. Its head opened and its maw released another mind-ripping shriek as a separate, sun-shaped part of its back extended outwards, adding to the monster's horrifying mass.

Silver could do nothing but stare, terrified and trembling at the massive figure threatening to swallow up his very life essence.


The voice snapped Silver from his terror and he jerked around to see a blinding gold light that he somehow knew was a person. The figure was indistinguishable, the golden glow from his body (the voice sounded male) so bright that Silver had to shade his eyes with his hand.

"It's all you, S———!"

Wait... Was the voice talking to him?


A second voice-

Silver whirled around and found, on his other side, a second figure, once again indiscernible through the golden glow surrounding him. The only difference was that this person's light was paler than the other's, a lighter shade of the intense gold that the other figure bore.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 12 ⏰

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