Where I Belong

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Sonic helplessly watched as his little brother ran upstairs, angry footsteps pounding through the upstairs hallway. A loud slam from one of the bedroom doors made him flinch, a pang of guilt wringing his chest.

He didn't think he'd ever be able to forget the hurt and betrayal that had shattered Tails' wide blue eyes.

"I didn't mean to make him upset," Knuckles mumbled from next to him and Sonic had to resist the urge to bristle.

Knuckles was his friend too, as clueless as he could be sometimes. And Sonic knew that the knucklehead really meant well.

He's just really bad at pulling that off.
He thought.

Sighing, Sonic turned towards the red echidna, crossing his arms expectantly.

"Well, it happened. Now, can you please explain what's going on? At least fill me in on why you thought coming in here and dropping that info-missile would be a good idea."

Knuckles tensed.

"I just thought you both would want to know. And- ya know- I've always been a 'rip the bandaid off' kind of guy."

"Yeah well- this is kinda a big bandaid, Knux." Sonic's foot began tapping. "You don't think for something this big you shoulda- I don't know- taken it slow?"

Knuckles snorted, crossing his arms over his chest.
"Funny to hear that coming from you of all people."

"Hey, just because I run fast on the track doesn't mean I blow past everything else in life."

"What, and I do?!"

Sonic's hands went up with a sigh of exasperation.

"You know that's not what I meant-!

Knuckles didn't look up at him, allowing for Sonic to take a long breath.

"Look." The hedgehog stepped forward, laying a hand on the echidna's shoulder. His tone softened, "I know you meant well. But, man, you just turned our little buddy's world upside down."

Violet eyes emotionlessly studied the floor.

"He's still just a kid, Knuckles. And half of his life's been spent trying to fit in. Now suddenly you come in claiming that he's not even Mobian?" Sonic shrugged. "I don't know, but maybe this conversation could have used a little more planning? And discretion?"

The echidna ceded with a heavy sigh, stepping back and collapsing into the couch while rubbing his forehead.

"I get it. And you're right. It probably would've been better if it weren't so fast. But I have no idea how I would've been able to break that kind of news easily anyway."

Sonic relaxed.

They waited in the beats of silence that followed, giving Sonic time to think.

And he didn't particularly like it.

His brow creased and Knuckles looked up at him curiously.


Sonic didn't answer immediately. Instead he took a seat next to Knuckles on the sofa, expression still thoughtful.

"Are... Are you sure you're right?"

Knuckles raised a brow.


Sonic rolled his eyes, waving a hand out.
"All this Kitsune business. You really think he's one of 'em.?"

Knuckles shrugged, frowning.
"It's just what the Master Emerald told me. And it's not like it doesn't make sense..."

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