Mr. Gold

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As I walk to Mr. Gold's shop to eat lunch with Belle, I see Emma whispering to Belle then turning around and heading toward the sheriff station. I run to Belle and hand her the sandwich from Granie's," Hey Belle, here's your tuna sandwich!" Belle looks from side to side," Hey Addy let's go inside." I open the door and rush to the back room. Belle grabs my arm and rushes me to her house. "Belle what are you doing I need to get back to work!" I sigh," Seriously I am 16 I have responsibilities!" I look up to see where we were. We were in Storybrooke's cemetery about to open the one that belonged to Ms. Regina's dad. "Belle I don't think we should..." I stare as Ms. Regina as she walks out," how did you do that?" Ms. Regina held out her hand and I took it. As I look behind me I see Belle walking away. "Um... Addy if it's okay I would like to be a mother to my... you." She looks away as if to be ashamed. I nodded," I need some time to think!"

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