Chapter 3

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"We have to have a talk, Hayley." my dad said as he enters my room. "What do you want now?" I asked frustrated while I get up from my bed. "You walked off last night without permission." he would say in a serious tone. "I'm a grown woman dad." I said as I laughed. "This isn't funny." he says, shouting at me. I get caught off guard and stood silent for a moment as he continued talking.

     "Your mom and I both want you to spend more time with us." he would say, as I knew what was about to happen. "I don't have to do a thing." I said as anger filled my voice. "I went to hang out with my friends last night. They don't fight every single day." I said as I grab my clothes, and was ready to head out. My dad grabs my shoulder and I turn around.

     I took his hands off as I told him to stop touching me. I walked out and stormed right into the bathroom. I would get changed and instantly walk downstairs. My dad walked down with me and grabbed my shoulder again. I would yell at him "I told you to stop touching me." I open the door and as I was about to head out, he would push me.

     My heart started racing as I felt my arm scrape against the ground. I was in total disbelief. I felt the adrenaline rush through me as I got back up. I looked at him for a few moments with anger across my face, taking quick breathes. I would then walk away as he slammed the door. I then looked at the sky for a brief moment and it would instantly calm me down.

     I continued to walk along a path until I could find the bridge again. Once I was there, things didn't feel the same. Tears would start to roll down my face as I felt the loneliness this time hit my body. I sat on the floor as I looked up. I'd hear the cars pass along, the breeze passing by, I thought this would cheer me up.

     I grab my phone as it would start vibrating. I see a call from Valerie as I quickly answered. "Are you free tonight?" she asked as a smile hit my face again. "Of course!" I said as she invited me to her house. I pick myself off the ground and let her know I was coming. I hang up the phone as I proceed to walk down the block to her house.

     Once I was there, I knocked on the door. Valerie greeted me with a big grin on her face, she says "Come in!" as I slowly walked inside. "This place is beautiful." I said as I looked around. "Looking at yourself I see?" Valerie said laughing. It was at that moment where I felt alive again. I laughed along with her as we walked up the stairs to her room.

     "Living by yourself must be so peaceful." I said to her as I sat down on her bed. She looked at me with concern and asked "Why would you say that?" as I began explaining the situation. I tell her about the abuse going on in my house, and how it affects my way of life. She would grow more concerned and sit next to me. "You do know, you're worth more." she said looking at me.

     "I once believed that, until my household became what it is today." I said as tears ran down my cheeks. She would wipe them off and hug me while she tried to comfort me. I felt safe in her arms. "If you ever need me, you know who to call." she would tell me as she got up and turned to face me. "Hey, do you want to stay the night?" she would ask as I felt grateful. "Thank you. But my parents might kill me." I said nervously.

     "Honestly, who cares about your parents." she would say as I stood silent. "Come on Hayley, you're an adult now." she said as I took a deep breathe, and released. "You're right Valerie." I said with confidence. "That's what I like to hear!" she replied as we both smile at each other. "Wanna come downstairs for some wine?" she asked me as I said "Sound's great."

     We both walk downstairs together as I'd sit down in her living room. I'd try to relax myself as she placed both glasses down on the table. She grabbed the wine and poured it into each glass. She sat next to me as we held our glasses up and said "Cheers." We both took sips for a while, as we began to talk.

     "I see the look on your face." she tells me as we she placed her hand on mine. "What do you mean?" I said as she got closer. "Ever since yesterday, you couldn't look at me without blushing." she says as I finished drinking. I look around the room anxiously as I was at a loss for words. "I'ts fine, I'll ask again later." she says as she pours more wine into my glass.

     Time would pass by as we both grew tipsy. "Are you willing to tell me now?" Valerie asked while she laughed a bit. We both looked at each other as our hands touched. We both lean towards each other as I quickly felt her lips touch mine. I felt a warmth feeling flood over me as we finished. We looked into each others eyes as our breathes collided.

     We would both share smiles as my heart fluttered for a moment. "I don't know how to describe it." I said quietly as she grinned from ear to ear. "It felt like it was meant to be." she replied as we both pulled away slowly, smiling at each other. All my worries would fade away as I felt locked in the moment, embracing every single second of it, for the rest of the night.

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