Chapter 8

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"Valerie hasn't messaged in the group chat today." I'd say as Kayla looked on. "Maybe she is just busy?" she'd reply as I'd agree. "Maybe you're right, but she never misses a day." I'd say as I grabbed my clothes and began to get dressed. I felt the need to rush as Kayla tried to keep up. "I don't know how you can be so quick." she says as we both laughed. "Just natural to me." I'd reply as she would get ready. We would head out the door and begin walking as I tried to call Valerie.

     "Shoot, it went right to voicemail." I said as Kayla replied "That's so unusual of her." as we walked a bit faster. I'd then receive a call from Riley, I'd pick it up and she would immediately speak super fast. "Can you repeat that, but this time slower?" I'd say as she retorted "Fine. I'm worried about Valerie, she seemed off lately." while I sighed. "I thought you'd have like an answer or something." I said as I grew disappointed. 

     "We're on our way to her house anyway." I'd say as we continued talking for a while. "We're almost there, talk to you soon." I said as I hung up the phone. We would almost arrive as Kayla looked worried. "I bet she will be okay." I'd say pulling her closer to me. "It's just nerve wracking, you know?" she'd stutter as I replied "We're here now, let's hope everything's fine." I'd say, knocking on the door. 

     We would both stand on the doorway for what felt like ages. We continued to knock but nobody came to the door. "Now what do we do?" Kayla asked as I looked around confused. "We need Riley with us." I'd say as we changed direction, heading towards her house. "It's nearly midnight, but she was gone all day." Kayla would say with distraught on her face. "We got this, don't worry too much." I'd reassure Kayla as we walked along.

     "One hell of a walk though." Kayla said as she slowed down. "Want to sit on the bench for a bit?" I said as I stopped with her. "We're almost there, there's no point." she'd say as we continued walking. We would make it to her house, as we knocked on her door. The door would open quickly as Riley was already fully dressed. "Let's go." she'd say as she stormed out. "Riley wait." Kayla would say as she stopped. 

     "I thought we were searching for her?" she'd say, slowly walking back. "We could look for hours but we don't even know where to look." I'd reply as she sighed. "Fine, let's go back inside." she'd say while storming back inside. We walked right behind her. "You sure she's not at the bar or something?" Riley would ask pacing around the room. "Why would she not answer anything though?" I'd reply as I continued to think. "She loves alcohol, what other reason?" Riley grunted.

     "Listen, If you want we can check there anyway." Kayla would say, looking at both of us. "Look at you! Listening to me for once!" Riley would say sarcastically. "Not the time for this Riley." Kayla says as she walks outside. I'd stare at Riley before we both follow right behind her. We would all stay silent as we walked street to street before eventually heading up to the bar.

     "I'm not going inside." Riley says as she went to sit down on the chair. "Fine, we'll both go in." I'd say as we opened the door to loud music playing. "Excuse me." I'd say, trying to gain the attention of the waiter. "Excuse me!" I'd say louder as he looks over. "Oh, what can I do for you." as I'd ask if he has seen a girl with red hair walk inside. He looked confused, then he remembered. "I know who you're talking about! She's that way." he would point as we said "Thank you!" 

     We would walk up to Valerie sitting alone, with her arms and her head laid out on the table. "Valerie?" I'd say, tapping her arm. She would slowly pick her head up and start mumbling. "We have to get you home." I'd say as me and Kayla helped carry her out. "Thank you again!" I'd tell the waiter as we opened the door and went outside. "What did I tell you." Riley says laughing. "Does nobody listen to me?" She'd continue, sighing. 

     "It's not the time, we have to bring her home." said Kayla while she quickly pulls out her phone. "I'll call an uber." she'd say as she tells Riley to hold on to Valerie. Kayla would walk to the side and begin chatting on the phone as we try to sit Valerie down. Valerie would continue mumbling as I went back inside to get her water. 

     I came back out as Kayla tells me they're on their way. I give Valerie the water as she slowly picks it up and drinks it. "You guys think she will be okay?" Kayla would ask as I'd reply "We just have to be there for her." Riley would laugh and say "Of course, she is very tolerant to this." as we both just stare at her confused. "Anyways, Val are you doing better?" I'd ask as Valerie would start sobbing. 

     The uber would pull up as we helped pick Valerie up and bring her to the car. We would give the driver the directions as we were on our way. Valerie would continue sobbing and mumble random words. "Too much alcohol?" Riley asked as we both told her to be quiet. "Can't take a joke? Jeez." she replied as we felt annoyed, but didn't respond back. 

   We would begin pulling up as we hand the driver the money. We helped Valerie get out of the car safely, while Riley would just be Riley. We brought her inside safe and sound while we quickly brought her to bed. "We might as well stay here for the night." Kayla would say as I replied "Sounds like a plan."

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