Chapter 8

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"Are you sure you don't want me to come back? Christmas season alone doesn't sound fun." Clara says through the phone as she stood in the halls of the Whitmore hospital.

"Stay there for now love. I'll have more peace of mind knowing my mother can't get to you." Nik's voice replies with a sigh.

"Okay. If you need me, I'm only a call away. I-I'm just kind of sad we won't get to spend Hope's first Christmas together." Clara admits, sorrow in her tone.

Nik sighs, "I know. I know. But Rebekah has promised to give her the experience even if we're not there." he tells her.

"I just wish she could send us photos." she says looking up at the ceiling as to try not to tear up.

"You know if she did we wouldn't be able to keep them." he replies in a sad tone only she caught.

Clara sighs, "Stay safe okay?" she tells him.

"Always love." he replies, she could picture his smirk. "You as well." 

"Always try." she jokes, "Talk to you soon." she says.

"Soon." he replies with a smile, before they both hung up.

Clara walks back down the hall and sees Caroline in the room with her mom, saddness and pain obviously in her eyes. She walks in and pulls the blonde into a side hug.


Currently, Clara stood outside of the high school on a vauge request by Damon. Originally she was going to watchover Liz and keep her company but the sheriff was quick to let her go out saying she'd take a nap.

Damon arrives with Liv in tow. "You going to tell me why I'm here?" Clara asks the two.

"Nope." Damon says popping the 'P', earning an eyeroll from the two girls.

"Alright do the Cloaking spell so I can grab Elena." Damon says to Liv.

"If she's here to do magic, why am I here?" Clara questions confused.

"Lets call you a backup plan." he replies before grabbing her arm preventing her from her leaving.

But before they can go forward with anything Liv disapears. "Liv? Liv! This isn't funny." he shouts out.

"Not her doing. Keep her out of your problems." Luke says from  behind them.

"Wha-" before Damon could finish, Luke was gone.

Damon groans before getting his phone and calling Alaric. "I'm going with Plan B." he tells the man through the phone.

"Woah, wait you got Clara to agree?" Alaric questions as he puts the phone on speakers.

"Not exactly. She's here but not aware, so Plan B." Damon admits.

"What? No. Not Plan B. We don't know how this could go or what he'll do to her. We need a different Plan B." Alaric argues for Clara, not wanting her to do anything against her will.

"Well than what do you suggest." Damon suggests.

"You need a witch to do the spell." Alaric starts his thought process.

"I can do it." Jo offers.

"You can barely light a candle." Alaric argues.

"Cloaking is one of the first things they teach you as a Gemini I learned it when I was a kid." Jo tells him.

"If you guys learned it as kids, does that mean Clara knowns it?" Damon questions, glancing at the annoyed girl that was with him.

"Uh, maybe if Kai taught her but she was around Four so I can't be sure if she even remembers." Jo replies, "But I can do it, she's not like normal witches so be careful." she warnes.

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