Chapter 10

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"So what changed your mind?" Clara asks Nik from the passanger seat on their way to the safe house.

"Your little wolf friend was able to talk some sense into me on how it would be unfair for all of us to not celebrate Hope's first christmas together." Nik explains to Clara as they turn down a street with only one home.

"Remind me to thank her becasue I am so glad we are doing this." Clara tells him with a wide smile as they pull up to the home. Outside was Rebekeah, Elijah, and baby Hope. Clara doesn't wait for Nik to stop the car fully to open the door, rushing out over to them. 

Elijah wasted no time to hand her Hope as she looks at her baby with love and tears for the first time in so long. "Hi lovely." Clara whispers as Nik joins her side looking at his two girls. Hope lets out a happy noise causing Clara to smile wider. Nik has tears building in his eyes as he's disbelief that they are infront of him right now.


"Curse on the first born? What the bloody hell is that suppose to mean?" Rebekah questions Nik as the siblings set up the bonefire.

"I know you explained this to me but this is still crazy." Clara adds as she holds Hope.

"Well, according to Fin, our sister Freya didn't die of Plague. She was taken as payment by our Aunt Dahlia, who then cursed all Mikaelson first borns for eternity." Nik explains.

"Are we beleiving that he's telling you the truth?" Clara asks, looking at Hope in worry.

"It's true if we believe Finn, he did learn this bastion of truth- our mother." Elijah brings up.

"Well, no wonder Finn hates us. He lost the sister he adored, and instead got a judgey pack of siblings who found him unbearably dull." Rebekah tells them.

"Well thats just great. Is there any chance of us knowing when your crazy Aunt Dahlia will be coming?" Clara questions the siblings.

"The fables over our thousand year old Aunt Dahlia is long dead." Elijah replies to reasure everyone.

"Yeah, like how Esther and Mikeal are suppose to be dead?" Clara questions, not at all feeling reasured.

"No one's going to hunt Hope, because no one's going to find her." Nik tells her before looking at the pile of wood. "There's enough wood, Rebekah. You'll burn down the whole bloody state of Arkansas." Nik tells his sister.

Rebekah looks at everyone with a smirk, "Well, we're just missing a key ingredient." she replies.

Nik sighs, "No, we're not." he refused seeing her look.

"Yes, we are, Nik!  Back me up Elijah!" Rebekah says causing Elijah to laugh.

"I suspect Niklaus would rather choke on ash." Elijah replies.

Clara looks at the siblings confused, "I'm missing something." she says amused by the silly bickering they were having.

"Well, before we light it, we write down our wishes for each other to burn for luck! It was Kol's favorite part when we were kids." Rebekah explains.

"It's further evidence as to why we shuld ignore it." Nik argues.

Clara smiles "Hope's first bonefire season. I like it. Better then Christmas. We're doing it. Sorry Nik." she says before rushing inside.


Inside the home, Nik was holding Hope while Clara was looking for a notebook and a pen. "Here we go." she says as she places them on the table next to Nik.

"I'm holding a small child, love. This silly wish game will have to wait." he tells her, his eyes not leaving Hope as a smile stays on his face.

Clara gives him a smile, "Thats fine, you can write and I can hold." she jokes.

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