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"dal I've done a bit of thinking and maybe this is all too far but it makes the most sense in my head..."

"go on." dallas was anxious for what she was about to say. quite literally anything was too stressful for him at the moment. 

"well i was talkin to johnny about how we're gonna to have to go one about our lives, well new lives, and let's just say the easiest and least illegal way to make a living is selling drugs. that's not exactly the worst part though, i left this out to johnny because i know deep down he's real shaken up and he can't exactly handle this but i think we gotta fake our deaths and start completely from scratch. i-i don't know how we'd be able to do all of this but it would work ya know."

dallas stood silent for a minute which concerned eden, but she feared speaking up would ruin his train of thought. he felt his girlfriend was right, but no one except dal realized he couldn't start new in this state. everyone knew him in this area, so even if he left for a while, his reputation sure didn't. a familiar figure would ruin their plans of a new life if dallas was recognized. he looked up at eden, really taking in her new look for the first time. there couldn't be a single thing she'd do to herself to make dallas less in love. from her skin tone to the shape of her eyes, he adored it all and it broke him that he led her to such a broken life as if her's wasn't already in shambles but little did he know that nothing could make eden leave him. they were stuck together always. 

"i think that if i have frankie make a few calls to his buddies, we could get a supplier for drugs but we mainly had to focus on mescaline or lsd, that shit has gotten so huge now so we could really make quick money with that. it's just that i can't sell, people could know me still, 'less i make my hair blonde but you know us greasers, i take too much pride in this nest i got im a bit nervous to fully change though sooner or later i'll have to. but as for our identities, we can't do nothin legal to change em..." 

eden began to spoke up once she realized dallas had no other words to say. "i mean johnny and i could do the selling, and when we have enough money we could move away? i know all this change hurts but in all honestly dallas, we've been hurt enough. i'm at the point where i'll do anything and go anywhere as long as you're still here. the only time i'll truly be hurt more than ever is if you're gone. it still scares me to be so vulnerable with you but you and johnny are the only two people that keep me together besides the boys back home."

"i ain't going nowhere baby, never planned on it. i'm gonna go talk to frankie about this now okay? go hang with johnny watch some tv, just relax babe." he kissed the top of her head before they got up and went their separate ways throughout the apartment. 

eden sat with johnny in front of the television in the living room, bringing him closer to her as he lowered himself to lay on her thigh as she brought a hand down to caress his head. the broken boy below her finally felt a sense of peace. she was like the mother or sister johnny had never gotten the chance to have until they met. she was his parental figure and best friend in one, and as for eden, that was her everything besides dallas. she adored this boy so much, and he was like a breath of fresh air she can get away and go to when things got too hard. she thought of her other boys back in tulsa, the memories that she kept close to her with them replayed more often than normal since she missed them so dearly. even the bad memories would play in her head because as painful as they were she always had the boys and those three brothers with her. 

and oh, how she missed steve dearly. closure was not something she could get for him yet, his passing was all too harrowing still as she'd do anything, even take her own life to bring him back. she was so thankful to have known all off the tough greasers that adored her so. 

the dick van dyke show played, making johnny laugh every now and then, making eden's mood a lot brighter. on dallas' end, he was anxiously talking to frankie about him and eden's plans. the way she changed his mindset about life was almost concerning, but not to dallas. he found comfort in the fact that he saw himself with kids finally, johnny being the best babysitter there could possibly be. he hoped his kids would look more like eden because all of her features in his eyes were nothing less than perfect. he also wanted his kids to be quick-witted as she is because she was truly intelligent. 

dallas did have a lot of hopes in dreams not only for himself but for johnny. he wanted him to meet someone he liked, play sports, get into some trouble. anything the typical teenager would go through, he wanted johnny to experience. dallas knew that though things got in the way of johnny and his happiness, he still had his whole life ahead of him to make up for such harships. 

"uhm dallas," frankie began to speak "i can totally help out with all of these plans but i think you ought to tell some people about what's going on as well..."

dallas nodded, before making his way to the phone. he dialed in one of the number's he'd remember well. 

"hey, darry? it's dallas..."

(a/n: i apologize for the shortness of each chapter but i'm going to be back to writing this story and will work on more lengthy chapters)

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 14, 2022 ⏰

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