Part 1

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"And that's how I plan to get the other party to agree on the proposed settlement."

Park Jimin's confident voice prompts you to look up from his draft agreement and finally face him, as he'd spent the last 15 minutes explaining his strategy as you reviewed the document.

His sweet smile is deceiving, laced with rainbow sprinkles coupled with his angel-like eyes, and you have to remind yourself that this is the same man you watched put someone away for manslaughter just last week.

"Looks good," you say, underlining some parts and adding several notes before giving back the file. "Just made a few comments."

He looks at the document, briefly furrowing his brows because what you'd written are definitely more than "a few."

"Look at you," he beams. "This is an improvement from the time you had me send you the file instead so you could make all the changes directly since what I wrote after how many sleepless nights was apparently not up to your standards. You're getting better at not being a pain in the ass," he quips.

You laugh in response.

You and Jimin are used to this - you, being highly critical and detail-oriented with your work and your people, and him, being blunt and witty when it comes to you. But neither of you mind. Drunk Jimin had told you once that it's people like you who make him a better lawyer, and drunk you responded that it's people like him who make you believe that there are genuinely good and capable people out in the field.

"Make sure to bring that sass with you during the meeting with the Lees on Friday," you say smugly.

"Damn right I will," he smirks. "But also, can you at least credit me for - let's see - my actual skills? I've improved so much, and I'm more than just sass, you know?"

"Oh I know," you roll your eyes. "I wouldn't have assigned you the tough cases if I didn't think you were skilled. But with corporate clients and the people they anger like this," you point at the document, "you're gonna need more than skills. You'd have to be a Park Jimin to make it work."

You smirk this time, knowing it's all it takes to get him to stop whining.

When you were still an Associate like Jimin is, you handled many cases together, and you know he lives for the compliments - like many lawyers you know; hell, so do you. But it takes depriving him a bit then feeding his ego for him to be satisfied. It's what gets him going.

You know your people; it's one reason why you're good at what you do.

"Well, this Park Jimin knows he's gonna have another successful case under his belt and that calls for a celebration," he crosses his legs. "Drinks at the Blue Side this Friday night. They have mocktails for you. Can you go? Half the firm is gonna be there."

"Since when does our favorite cafe host a night of drinks and for that many people?" You question, trying to imagine how the small space can accommodate your group of 30 without it being too crowded.

"Since Hobi purchased the rooftop last week," Jimin responds, referring to the cafe's owner who'd become your friend, given your almost daily trips to the place for your coffee. "It's part of his grand expansion plan. Obviously he told me, and I told Yoongi, and he told Jin, who screamed about treating a round of drinks, so naturally, half of the firm heard it and wanted to go, too, because when does he do that, right?"

You squint your eyes and drum your fingers on your chin, an indication that you're envisioning how the rest of your week is gonna go - if there are family, personal, medical, and other matters that you have to attend to, if you can actually squeeze in time for a social affair, if you even have the energy for it, given your perpetually busy schedule.

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