Part 29

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It's easy to be charmed by Jungkook. There's this youthful radiance about him that's insanely attractive, in addition to his already gorgeous features, and underneath that is this thoughtfulness and care that just makes you feel comforted, that makes you naturally trust him.

You're at least not the only one captivated by it. Your family and friends seem to be, thanks in part to his delicious desserts and the free ones they occasionally get. Heejin isn't immune to his charms as well. Since that fall event when he made her little desserts that she thoroughly enjoyed, you'd noticed her slowly finding comfort in him, too.

It's why when Jungkook offered to babysit her for the morning, you couldn't say no, not when Heejin practically had her arms out when he approached you at your table in the cafe earlier, worry painted on his face at the sight of panic on yours.

Your usual babysitter was supposed to come by your place, but when she didn't show up, you decided to head to Blue Side and asked her to meet you there instead since it's nearer to her place. But she apparently had food poisoning and couldn't make it, so you went about figuring out who would be taking Heejin for the day.

You told Jin you could have your afternoon meeting virtually, but it's the morning one with a client that you can't miss, and with none of your loved ones available to care for her, you decided on your last resort which is daycare. Heejin has her moods and this morning, she woke up a little crankier than normal so you knew that being around other kids would frustrate her.

Stood in front of you in his balloon denim pants and jacket over his usual plaid shirt, Jungkook asked what was wrong and he immediately volunteered as the morning's babysitter.

"I'm closing shift," he said. "I'm just here because I needed to check on some things since Hobi is in Gwangju. That means I'm free. I can look after Heejin, don't worry."

"Are you sure?" You asked. "Wouldn't you want to be resting or gaming or working out?"

"Those are good options except I did them yesterday, and playing with the little sunshine is something I wouldn't mind at all."

You weighed your options, knowing he's a good choice and a man you trust, so you agreed. You told Heejin that Jungkook will be with her today and even if she didn't understand, the fact that she immediately wrapped her arms around his neck and excitedly said Kookoo when he asked her who he was, was enough to let you know that she wouldn't mind at all, too.

And so you're standing here, at your apartment living room, giving Jungkook all the information he needs - from Heejin's doctor's details to the nearest police station in case there's an emergency, and the step-by-step process of feeding her and changing her diapers and what to do when she starts yelling and throwing her toys.

"I took care of toddlers, ___,'" he assures. "And they're a lot rowdier and more spoiled than this little one. We're gonna be okay."

"Okay," you sigh in relief.

You lead him to the nursery and point to everything essential for the day.

"She has a schedule. I woke her up early so she's probably gonna be sleepy. Make sure she has her baby blanket on her legs," you say. "And please don't encourage her to do weird things like lick cream off her face or put tiny things in her nose."

"Why the heck would I do that?" He gasps.

"You put a marble in your nose when you were a kid and enjoyed it, Jungkook," you deadpan. "I feared for your mother. And you laughed when she was panicking."

"I was 5 and Ma was being dramatic," he defends. "I loved pranking her when I was a kid. One time I ran into the house saying I got bit by a snake and showed my ketchup-stained leg and she started crying. We don't have snakes at home, ___."

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