Chapter 1: First Day Of HS

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Elsa POV.

I woke up to the bright sun shining through my windows.

6:00 Am.

Ugh, the first day of high school. Hopefully I can control my powers, I don't want to freeze the entire school.

"Elsa? Can I get a new carrot? This one seems to be rotting," A voice called out.


"Yeah, sure I'll get you one after I wake up Anna", I replied nicely.

I got up and walked over to the door. When I went to open my door, the sound of knocking came from my windows.

Jackson Overland Frost. He's my best friend and my crush.

You see when I was younger I hurt my sister on accident, I accidentally froze her head. Afterwards, I shut her out because I was dangerous. So I thought. . Jack Frost became my friend after I accidentally ran into him at school in 6th grade. Kristoff became Anna's friend, and everyone knows they like each other.

Knock, knock, knock!!

I walked over to the window dreading to see the boy I love.

No one really knows that our parents died 5 years ago. Only Anna and I. I just barely stopped shutting her until, 2 years ago. Anna found out about my powers, so did Kristoff. But I will NEVER let Jack know.

I opened the snowflake covered curtains, only to see how the sunlight reflects off of his silvery hair .

"What do you want Jack?" I said, annoyed. If I don't wake Anna up soon, we're gonna be late for school.

"I can't see my queen?," He asks, jokingly.

"No. Not until school," I say, once again annoyed, "And don't call me 'Queen"

"Fine! You win Else.... I'll see you at school
drama queen", He says, running a hand through his hair.

"Whatever, Overland" I said threateningly. He never tells anyone his middle since he absolutely hates it.

"Hey!! Watch what you say in front of the open window!," He calls out, as he walks away from the window.

"Oh whatever Overland!," I shout, before closing the window and shutting the blinds.

"Time to wake up Anna" I mumble to myself.


Way to go Frost...

As I walk over to Anna's flower printed door, I trip on a lump on the rug, Mental note; smooth that out.

"ANNA WAKE UP OR ELSE I'M GOING TO EAT ALL OF THE CHOCOLATE!!!!!!!," I scream in front of the locked door.

"NOOOOOO NOT THE CHOCOLATE!!!!!! I'M COMING!!!!! YOU'LL NEVER TAKE IT ALIVE!!!!" She screams only seconds after.

"Fine, I'll make breakfast while you take a shower, Ok?" I ask for confirmation.

"Okay!!" She hollers back, as I take notice to how dusty the bookcases in the halls are.

She is so weird...... but I love her.

"ANNA THE PANCAKES ARE DONE!!!" I screamed up the staircase to my bubbly sister.

"I'M COMING!!! I'M COMING," She calls down, moments later.


Not bad. Our high school starts at 8:00. But we wake up early because our bus comes at around 7:30. Anna and I get ready from 6:15-6:45, then I quickly make breakfast. Breakfast is done by 7:15

We eat until we die.

Nah, I'm just kidding. But when we finish, we watch Looney Toons till the bus comes.

I have on a blue dress, multicolored scarf, and a sweater. My scarf and sweater are for in case it gets cold. Anna has on a black tank, blue skirt, and pink sweater. We can't afford getting sick. Her hair is in her signature two braids while mine is in my signature French braid.


"ELSA THE BUS IS HERE!!!!" Anna hollers from downstairs.

I grab my light blue backpack covered with snowflakes.

I run downstairs and put on my black flats. Anna does the same as she holds her light purple backpack covered with multicolored flowers.

I am two years older than Anna and Kristoff, but they are smart enough to skip a grade.

When we got onto the bus, Anna sat next to Kristoff in the front, while I sat alone in the back.
I knew Jack would sit next to me on the bus in the back, so when he sat next to Tiana Faerie, who goes by Tooth, I was so disappointed.

I guess I'm alone today.

As I arrived at school, I was disappointed that Jack didn't sit next to me like he promised. So disappointed that not even Anna can make me happy.

When I had arrived at my locker, I remember that I was supposed to grab something.

"Olaf's carrot!!!" I whisper-yelled.

Sheet!!! I forgot about Olaf!!
Hoover Dam it!!
Hopefully he can survive a day.

I had already received my schedule a couple of days ago. So I already knew my first class.

Math with Mr. Hatter.
I was walking down the chatter filled hallway when I saw a familiar redhead.............

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