CH1 - Meeting

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You scream, "AAHHHHHHH HEHEHEEH" you smile raising your guns walking into the city hall. "Boss look what we have here" He smiles waiting for you to look. "Aww it's a grown man crying, why are you crying sir?" She says with a pouty face. He just looks away, as she stands back up and shoots the guy without thinking twice about it. "Good one" her mutant said to her. "I am pretty sure everything I do is good." So, she says while twirling her blonde long hair. Her crew ends up finishing robbing and killing anyone that disobeys or moves in their sight. *Phone Rings* "Hello this is the famous killer what can I do for you?" she hears laughter on the other end of the phone. "Oh, Twoface what's up?" she says, "Well Leah, I need you to come down to the meeting spot, we have a special guest coming." "Alright then be there soon" she says before ending phone call. "Okay my baby's drop me off at meeting, hopefully it won't take long." You crew just smiles and the driver speeds up to drop u off at meeting spot. "There she is, we have been waiting on you." Twoface says acting surprised, "I wouldn't miss it for the heavens now, would I?" You say blowing a kiss at him, you didn't notice anyone else there until u sat down beside Clayface. "Glad you're comfortable" Clayface leans over to whisper in your ear. "If you want me to make myself more comfortable then I can gladly do so." You speak back as he just grins. You avert your eyes to the other side of the table and see the joker staring directly at you. You turn your head sideways a little bit, still seeing as he doesn't narrow his eyes away from you. "Well, the joker here has some business with us. Why don't you go ahead and tell them?". Two face says to us all. "I am going to make Gotham City in my control again. Which means I'm going to kill Batman." Joker states, "Alright then, how do we conclude in this?" Leah says curious to his statement. "Oh doll, what I mean is DONT GET IN MY WAY!" He becomes furious, "Mhm right" You say as you lean forward with both hands on the table staring into his soul. "Calm down Leah" Clayface says trying to move u back down in your seat. "Apparently he doesn't know who he is talking to. Watch out Clown! I have no remorse when it comes to killing. As of right now I'm leaving, good day everyone." Leah says leaving the joker watching her leave. Her crew picking her up. 

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